Tough Healing

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Want to ramp up the difficulty for players in a simple way? Tired of difficulty being purely based on damage? Want to be the tough guy from Texas who is on the front of every Beef Jerkey packet? Tough Healing might just be for you, if you're up for the challenge.


Tough Healing adds two restrictions to health regeneration. Installing and enabling this plugin will block natural (as in from a full hunger bar) healing for players that are sprinting or have taken damage recently. Essentially, players will only heal without potion effects when they are safe and at rest, and not participating in vigorous tasks. This plugin makes your world difficulty sort of a cross between Ultra Hardcore and normal survival. This adds a nice little bit of difficulty without meaning players must hide in tents and tunnel and secure everything off from mobs (this is done in UHC, as even just half a heart of damage is a big deal- you can't regenerate naturally). It also makes the annoying tactic of running away to heal for a minute in a player battle impossible or limited in most situations, or makes it so that juggernauts (high-enchant diamond players) can't simply outheal the damage they take from enemies.


  • Halt regeneration for a period after taking damage
  • Require a player to not be sprinting in order to regenerate (optional)
  • Set specific worlds in which all regeneration restrictions apply
  • All of the above options can be modified or disabled to your liking through an easy-to-understand, simple configuration file


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Oct 19, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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