Do you hate those stupid griefers who work with TNT?
Then you will definitely like this plugin!
This plugin does not allow griefers to place TNT!
Is there a player on you server who you trust with TNT? The only thing you'll have to do is giving him the permission !!!
By default players don't have this permissions, so when they are trying to place TNT they will get a message that they don't have permission.
But here's the final when somebody with the permission TNT places there will be a message send to your console! On that way you will always know who has griefed with TNT.
- (if player has permission he/she can place TNT)
- (if player has permission he/she can place Lava)
- (if player has permission he/she can place a Explosive Minecart)
- TNT.creeperon (is a player allowed tous e the creeperon command)
- TNT.creeperoff (is a player allowed tous e the creeperoff command)
- Turn creeper explosions on /creeperon or /con
- Turn creeper explosions off /creeperoff or /coff
- A config file (added)
- Commands (added)
Please Donate!!!

you can just use essentials:
Ops can also stop the server, kick players, ban players, cheat. So I don't think you'll make someone op, when you don't trust him...
@robbie998 description: Can a player place TNT blocks. default: op
ops can place tnt by default.....
u need a permission plugin
hey people, i don't know how to give permission to a player, please tell me how........ /give permission, what is the command please?
Did he/she destroy it while this plugin was enabled, if yes how did he do that?
Thank you for making this plugin because one of My ops destroyed spawn.
Would you like to have a config? Or commands? Then please post your suggestions for the config file or for commands...
Disable: "/gamerule doFireTick false"
Enable: "/gamerule doFireTick true"
But if you want me to add it anyway please tell me..
I am going to add Fire spread in the next version, but if that isn't what you want you can send me a pm.
If you do so, may I also try/test your version? Then I could enable fire spread again without fear for griefers.
I am going to add it right now with the coordinates feature for Lava
Does it block TNT Minecarts too?
I'm planning on that now, but I think it's going to take a while...
I will try, and I will also update it for the latest Minecraft version. But at the moment I'm busy with some experimental stuff. But I will spend some time on this plugin...
could you make it so that when it says player place tnt! it gives coordinates to? I dont wanna ban someone for placeing tnt in their tnt cannon
I will look to that, but at the moment i'm really busy with school and a new huge plugin
Please can you add TNT No damage at block : (ID) ? please
The source is inside the .jar file now