
TimeMaintain is day / night to keep the craftbukkit plugins.


Information on what the plugin does (I had no clue Extendday existed), How the config works and the defining integers, and less about conflicts.

Gathering from the config I'm assuming this makes days or nights longer. I'm assuming daylight-days-long=1 would mean the daytime is normal, with 2 being twice as long. The same for night and that start-time being what time it is when the server starts.

note: time-maintain.txt is here http://puu.sh/1oytX


This Plugins is Extendday re-created.

Permissions are not supported.

Example config file:

  1. Time Maintain Control Configuration File.



start-time day

Possible Conflicts with other plugins:

This plugin should not conflict with other plugins in any way as the /time command used by other plugins is per use. This plugin HAS NO /time command. However I do not have the source for some of the other popular plugins available and as the developer for these have chosen not to release the source to my knowledge, there is no way for me to support them or make sure there is no conflict. Due to this lack of source I have no idea if there is a possible conflict or not, and until I do get source - I refuse to reverse engineer jar files as that is disrespectful and just plain rude - using this plugin with others that have no released their source is not supported by me. If you want full support, get other plugin developers to release their sources.


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