
Attention: incompatibility with the Essentials plugin found, at the moment I am working to resolve, only the skip night functionality was affected and only in worlds configured with time: configured


Have easier commands for dawn, dusk, rain, thunder and change the phase of the moon in your worlds.

Configure the worlds the way you prefer: 

  • Define worlds only at night with rain and thunder.
  • Worlds cleaned only by day.
  • Set a fixed time for some world.
  • Set the phase of the moon you want for the night of your world.
  • Control the duration of day and night in your world, make the days longer and the nights shorter.(NEW!)



Commands (Auto complete will help with commands)


/calm [world] [duration] Sets the current (or informed) world without rain.
/rain [world] [duration] Sets the current (or informed) world with rain.
/thundering [world] [duration] Sets the current (or informed) world with rain and thunderstorms. 
/day [world] Sets the current (or informed) world to day. 
/night [world] Sets the current (or informed) world to night. 
/moonPhase <PHASE> [world] Sets the current (or informed) world to the informed moon phase. 
/th help Returns the commands that can be used.
/th info [world] Returns information from the current (or informed) world.
/th list Lists all worlds configured in the plugin with a status.
/th set <WORLD> [<property> <value>] Configures the properties of the informed world.
/th update Checks for updates.


Translation: if you want to help with the translation of the plugin to any language, just contact me.


ATTENTION: the plugin is still under development, all the features have not been completed, but wait, I'm working to improve more and more. :)

If you liked the plugin don't forget to leave a feedbak or a suggestion!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 11, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Dec 20, 2020
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