Time of Day

Time of Day Main Page


Time of Day has a very basic functionality- keep the time of day on a server within a constant range. It can be four already specified times (always day, always night, always morning, or always evening), or a specific and custom range that you set yourself.

  • None- the world behaves as it normally would, going through full 24 hour cycles with no adjustments.
  • Day- stays between 2000 and 10000 ticks (8AM and 4PM)
  • Night- stays between 14000 and 22000 ticks (8PM and 4AM)
  • Morning- stays between 23000 and 1000 ticks (5AM and 7AM)
  • Evening- stays between 11500 and 13000 ticks (5:30PM and 7PM)

Understand that staying on morning/evening can cause some FPS and server-side lag due to all the lighting updates. That said, if your client or server doesn't seem to be influenced by morning/evening lighting updates under regular circumstances, looping them should not be much of a problem.

To prevent lag, the plugin only checks to see what time of day it is every 5 seconds. Understand that even if it checked every 0.5 seconds it wouldn't cause any lag, but as a server owner myself, I like to keep things as lightweight as possible. Basically, what this means is that this plugin will leave an almost negligible footprint.


  • /tod <none/day/night/morning/evening/custom> will set the time to stay within the specified range.
  • /tod <start/end> <ticks> will set the start/end times for the custom loop in-game (for v1.1 or later).
  • Permission node for both commands is timeofday.set
  • Defaults to true for OPs if no permissions plugin is installed, and all OPs will be able to use the command.


Simply drag 'n' drop the .jar file into your server's plugins folder, as with all other plugins. A config.yml will be auto-generated when the plugin is first run. The plugin has no dependencies and nothing depends on it, so it's as easy as that.


Default config file:

timeofday: none
start: 5000
end: 3000

The timeofday option can be set to none/day/night/morning/evening/custom, or you can simply use the in-game command to set it. Start and end specify (in ticks) what time the custom loop starts and ends at. As the config is now, you get to 3000 ticks (9AM) and then skip to 5000 ticks (11AM). However, it can be set to anything. To avoid breaking things, keep values below 24000 and make sure that they are integers.


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