Configuration Guide (v1.3.7)

Before saying anything, I hope this configuration guide will help you.
If there is something you want to know (because I'm not always understandable), just say it on the forum !

Quick Description

So the configuration are in the ThhunderTower folder.
There is one config per world.
The name of the config file is based on the world's name.
It's a Yaml configuration so don't use tabs.
The config is in three parts in the file.
The first part is for the Properties of the world (colors, ...)
The second part is for the ThunderTower properties.
The third is for the non conductive materials

Properties part


Active can be set to true or false.
If active, the plugin will do his job on this world.
You can set it to false if you want a ThunderTower free world.


Here are all the configs about the Message displayed by ThunderTower plugin


It's the color of the messages that are displayed by the ThunderTower plugin.
Note that the displayed on the console is without color, so it won't color console displays.
Note also that there is also the ColorList.
It's only here for your information, you don't have to change it.


It's the message displayed to the player when he's hit by the electricity of a Thunder Tower (look at the NonConductiveMaterials config)


Log can be set at true or false.
If active, it will write on the console each time a ThunderTower is created, destroyed, modified (with informations like Location and author)

Towers Part

The Seasons Part is the place where the towers are configurated.
There are a lot of option to let you create your very own ones.


It's the minimum height to create a ThunderTower.
If something modified the towers and let it under this height, it will be no more considered as a ThunderTower


It's the ID of the material of your tower
It can be found in the Decimal part Here

It's the minimum height from the water to create a ThunderTower
It's to avoid creating towers near bedrock or something non RP

The water level is 64 so the height is calculated between the water and the highest block of your tower


Here are the option for the lightning strikes.


It's the maximum distance from where a tower can catch lightning.
So your tower catch strikes within a circle with a radius of 'DistanceMax'


Tower don't catch all strikes
That's why there is a catchPercentage
It's the percentages of strike that your tower can catch


It's the time in seconds of sending power throw redstone from the bottom of your tower


It's the number of lightnings strikes done on the Tower when catching one strike (to look better, a tower hit by one strike is not very impressive)


When a player is near to a non-safe thunderTower (described in the NonConductibleBlocksID part), he takes damages from the tower (electricity is powerfull you know)


It's the radius from the tower striked by the electricity on a lightning


It's the amount of damage taken by the player.
Armor don't reduce it.


A config to "activate" the tower with a redstone wire activated touching it's bottom block.
It permit to set to on/off the tower


Its a hook into my Battery Plugin.
If you put a Battery under the tower, you can charge this battery of the amount specidifed


A tower without blocks protecting it can send electricity around where it's striked
To avoid tking damages, you can protect it with blocks to make it "safe"

This section is listing the material you can set to surround the tower with
The names musy be written in HighCase
List can be found Here

Config Example

  Active: true
  Color: §b
      BLACK: §0
      DARK_BLUE: §1
      DARK_GREEN: §2
      DARK_AQUA: §3
      DARK_RED: §4
      DARK_PURPLE: §5
      GOLD: §6
      GRAY: §7
      DARK_GRAY: §8
      BLUE: §9
      GREEN: §a
      AQUA: §b
      RED: §c
      LIGHT_PURPLE: §d
      YELLOW: §e
      WHITE: §f
  Log: true
  Height: 7
  BlockID: 42
  HeightFromWater: 20
    DistanceMax: 200
    CatchPercentage: 80
    RedstoneDuration: 5
      Radius: 5
      Amount: 7