
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Commands | Permissions | Configuration
ThumbsApply is a plugin, that makes life for admins a lot easier. You can not only auto-promote your server guests by letting them enter a password, hidden in the rules. You can also Mute your Guests and show them a special Message on joining the server (both optional, of course). This Plugin supports Permissions 3.x, GroupManager, bPermissions, PermissionsEx and PermissionsBukkit. If you have any errors, please write a ticket with a proper error description and the error console log. Tickets that don't match that format or comments asking about an error will be ignored.

Get the source here:


  • Auto-promote Guests on your server
  • Mute guests
  • Show guests a special MotD


The Localization supports the default Minecraft color codes as well as the following variables:
  • {player} outputs the player name
  • {timeleft} outputs the time until promotion

Modules (for 3.0 beta):


ThumbsApply currently only uses one command:
  • apply: usage: /apply <password> | description: Enter the password to apply/If timed promotion is enabled it will show the time left.
  • apply: usage: /apply timeleft | description: Shows the time left until promotion.


The only two permissions ThumbsApply uses are:
  • ThumbsApply.NotGuest: give it to your groups with building rights (required).
  • group.<groupname>: give the permission to every group, replace <groupname> with the name of the group you are giving the permission to (e.g. : group.Admin).


Here is a default Config with all entries explained: options: <-----General Options     chatBlockEnabled: false <------Block Guests from chatting?     joinMessageEnabled: true <-------Enable an extra join message for guests?     tickDelay: 60000 <-------The delay between two ticks (higher is performance friendlier, but less accurate)     blockPasswordInChat: true <-------Block the usage of the password in the chat (by both guests and players)? groups: <------Group configuration     User: default <-----Any group below Users gets promoted to User after entering the password "default"     Mod: '%1000' <------Any group below Mod gets promoted to Mod after being online for 1000 minutes


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 12, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 5, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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