What is TheSlenderman ?
This plugin adds the Slenderman game into Minecraft. You can join a lobby (every lobby 6 players) and then someone will be choosen to be the slenderman (this person will disguis into an enderman). Now everybody will be teleported on a Map (night time). Now the Slenderman have to find all 5 players befor they find all the 8 pages (which are randomly scattered on the map). The Slenderman cant walk! He only can teleport 10 blocks every 2 secounds by rightclicking. To kill a player he needs to teleport into a 5 blocks radius of a player and then the player will be frozen (cant move). Now the slenderman can walk in front of the player and he will die but if the slenderman teleport into a 30 blocks radius of a player, the player will hear a enderman sound. So he will know that the slenderman is comeing and he can run away.
- Join a lobby by clicking a sign
- Game starts automaticly if the 6th player joined the lobby
- Randomly choosen Slenderman
- Possibility for Donators to buy slenderman pass
- Slenderman teleport
- Players can turn on/off light effect by rightclicking
- Players need to regenerate hunger after 10sec run
- Slenderman will disguis into a enderman
- 8 pages randomly scattered on the map
- The 5 players get blindness effect
- 5 compasses which shows the slenderman the way to each players
I will code the plugin that it will be perfectly for bungeecord servers. So players join a 6 slot server (spawn is the game lobby) and if the server gets full the countdown will start. The players will be teleport on the map and someone will be choosen to the Slenderman.
- /ts setspawn >> Sets the spawn where the 5 players spawn at the map
- /ts setSlenderSpawn >> Sets the spawn where the Slenderman spawn at the map
- /ts addpage >> Adds a spawn where a page can be spawned
- /ts usepass >> Command for donators to use the Slenderman pass
- ts.usepass >> Able to use Slenderman pass
You "Need" it? Pay someone to make it if you "Need" it!
Hey, it would be cool, if cou can release it, soon as possible, i need it for my server. Thanks
The Plugin got out in 2013, Probably or even for shure it's abandonned. Even If I want it soooo much! :(
When you give a download link?
Hello, Abandoned?
When does it get out? Im really excited! im checking on this plugin almost every day. :)
is it abandoned?
Can you add a "Completed" Status, because i can't wait for it! :)
I can't wait for it to come out!
Please finish this as quick as you can, cuz I can't wait to try it out :D Also, make an option to play for 1 player too or 2, 3 and 4.
maybe end July
So, is there an estimate on when this plugin will come out? I'm really excited!
Contact me, I will pay $3,000 for this plugin if it actually works and is what I am looking for.
Is there an estimate on when this plugin will come out? Once it does, I might donate if I like it.
I will defiantly hire you to be my plugin developer for this plugin. I will pay good and we could share the benefits of the donations that I would receive from the server. I've already hired a web designer, gfx manager, and now I want to hire a developer for this plugin. Contact me on Skype for more information.
Skype: quentinbanners
I am still in planing and just did the basics of the plugin... It will definitely take 2 months until the Alpha comes out. And i am also thinking if i will share the plugin or just use it to start a server network like "Shotbow" or "TheHive" becaus there are some requests from users who want to pay for this plugin.
When you can upload it? And, if it's possible, you can do a tutorial, how to bulid lobby etc.
I am waiting for it!
Very cool plugin! You should definitely make it!
Add me on skype. I will pay for this plugin to be exclusive for my server.
Skype: quentinbanners