What is this?
TempPromote allows you to temporarily add a rank, remove a rank, and add a permission to a user. It requires Vault, so should be compatible with all major permissions systems.
What are the commands?
There are five commands in TempPromote.
Promotion Commands - Requires the temppromote.promote permission
- /temppromote [username] [value] [length] (worlds) - This allows you to add a rank to a user temporarily.
- /tempdemote [username] [value] [length] (worlds) - This allows you to remove a rank to a user temporarily.
- /temppermission [username] [value] [length] (worlds) - This allows you to add a permission to a user temporarily.
Lengths are in the format 1M:1w:1d:1h:1m, which causes the temp promotion to last one month, one week, one day, one hour and one minute. For instance, to promote a player for 2 and a half hours, you'd use 2h:30m as the length in a command.
Worlds are an optional parameter that is at the end of a command - this is a comma seperated list, for instance world,worldnether will apply the promotion to the worlds "world" and "worldnether" rather than all of them.
- /temppromote rymate1234 donator 4d -- promotes the user rymate1234 to the donator group for 4 days
- /temppermission Notch essentials.fly 1w -- Gies the essentials.fly permission to Notch for a week
- /tempdemote Dinnerbone moderator 1h survival,creative -- Removes the moderator group from Dinnerbone for 1 hour in the survival and creative worlds
Check and List Commands
- /promotionslist -- Lists all active promotions on the server. Requires the temppromote.list permission
- /promotioncheck (username) -- Lists the promotions for a specified user. If no user specified, checks whoever ran the command. Requires the temppromote.check permission to check yourself and the temppromote.list.other permission to check other players
If you want to contribute to TempPromote, or just look at the source, view it on Github at https://github.com/rymate1234/TempPromote/
This is great, but 1 suggestion/request: Can you make it so we can temporarily add a permission to a GROUP?
Awesome thank you!