

This plugin tracks the temperature of players and gives potion effects and/or damage if the player does not pass certain conditions.

Temperatures are based off the temperature of the biome that they are in, which can be found here.

There are two types of temperature conditions:


Freezing biomes are biomes that naturally snow at sea level.

If a player is caught outside in a freezing biome in a light level 4 and is not wearing full leather armor, then damage will be dealt. Additionally, if the player is caught outside in a snow storm and is in a light level below 7 without a torch in their hand then they will get the blindness effect.

The easiest way to prevent this is pack some leather armor, stay in the light while traveling through snowy biomes, and carry a torch during blizzards.


Hot biomes are deserts, jungles, and mess.

If the player is outside while wearing any iron or diamond armor, then they will receive slowness and hunger.

The easiest way to prevent this avoid weaning heavy armor in hot biomes, or stay in the shade.


Here is the configuration:

#Every "X" seconds, the plugin will check the entire server's worth of player
temperature_check_interval_seconds: 60
#How long should the blindness last when in blizzards?
blizzard_blindness_ticks: 300
#How much damage should be taken from freezing?
freezing_damage: 2
#How long should the slowness when overheated last?
overheated_slowness_ticks: 800
#How long should the hunger when overheated last?
overheated_hunger_ticks: 800

Commands and Permissions

/temperature check : sends a message about what your current location's temperature is. Requires the "temperature.check" permission. /temperature reload : reloads the configuration. Requires the "temperature.reload" permission.

"temperature.bypass.freezing" and "temperature.bypass.hot" are permissions that can be given to players which makes them exempt from receiving temperature de-buffs.

Thanks for stopping by! If you have any bugs, suggestions, or questions, message me @xlr20ice on BukkitDev. Enjoy!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 21, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Nov 22, 2015
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