Configuration Settings

Config.yml settings

In game mesage customisation

With these settings you can change any of the messages that TeleConfirmLite uses in game. Colour codes are accepted in any part of these

Special replacements.

In some of the messages there are special tags to allow replacement for player names etc.

%p - Player name
%t - teleport action (tpToThemMsg or tpThemToYouMsg).
%a - will output the accept command (tpca)
%d - will output the default command (tcpd)

Note: You cannot use these in all messages yet, only the ones currently defined below

  accepteeMsg: Accepted request.
  denyeeMsg: Denied request.
  accepterMsg: Request to teleport accepted.
  denierMsg: Request to teleport denied.
  fromMsg: '%p would like to %t'
  tpToThemMsg: teleport to you
  tpThemToYouMsg: teleport you to them
  acceptDenyPrompt: To accept this, type %a. To deny, type %d
  playerHasPendingReq: That player already has a pending request!
  requestSent: Request sent
  playerNotFound: §cPlayer %p not found
  playerCommand: §cThis command is only available in game to players
  selfTp: §cYou cannot tp to yourself
  toggledMsg: §c%p §7 is not accepting requests
  backUsage: §7Teleporting you to your previous location
  noBackLocation: §7No previous location
  removeReq: §7Requests removed
  teleportation: §7Teleportation
  allowed: Allowed
  disabled: Disabled
  permissionDenied: §7You do not have permission for that command
  requestWorlds: §7You cannot request to teleport from different worlds
  noCurrentRequest: §7You do not have any pending requests
General Settings

clearRequestsOnWorldChange: Whether current pending requests are cleared when players change worlds
requestTimeout: Timeout in seconds before a request is cancelled
preventCrossWorldTp: Prevents players from requesting teleports between different worlds
allowMetrics. Allows the reporting of some stats to using the metrics pluign


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