More Player Specific Messages #3

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
  • _ForgeUser7554077 created this issue Dec 20, 2011

    Hey I thought I'd ask you for some enhancements if you are still active on this project.

    For the fromMsg: '%p would like to %t' you have set the %p so it is player specific message, Example -  It says KJanar would like to teleport to you.

    But i was thinking maybe you can add that feature to the other messages aswell ?

    For example for the accepterMsg: Player accepted your teleport request. Rather then having it say Player accepted..... it could say KJanar accepter your teleport request and the raw message in the config would be accepterMsg: %accepter accepted your teleport request.

    Thank you

  • _ForgeUser7554077 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 20, 2011
  • _ForgeUser7554077 posted a comment Dec 20, 2011

    Also i forgot to mention that maybe you can add color code support ? Rather then using a different setting for it as you have "msgPositiveColor: green"


  • Forge_User_46790535 removed a tag New Dec 20, 2011
  • Forge_User_46790535 added a tag Accepted Dec 20, 2011

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