
Latest version is 1.1

One of the biggest problems with running a big server with a lot of staff is having proper management and having everyone knowing what they should be doing. With this plugin you can separate your staff into separate teams allowing them to work independently under the leader of that team.

When a player creates a team he becomes the sole leader of that team. As a leader he may create jobs wherever he pleases each with a custom message attached. A player can then search for a job related to their team and select it or select a random job. Once a job is selected they are told the job number along with the message attached and being teleported to the location. Once a player has completed his job he can mark it as completed and no one will see that job anymore.


/Team Create [Name], to create a new team.

/Team Disband, to disband your team.

/Team Recruit [Player], to recruit a player into your team.

/Team Assign [Player] [Team], to assign a player into a team.

/Team Remove [Player], to remove a player from a team.

/Team Job <Number>, to find a job.

/Team Job Create [Message], to create a job.

/Team Job Edit [Number] [Message], to change the message and location a job.

/Team Job Complete [Number], to mark a job as completed.

/Team Job Inspect [Number], to check the status of a job.

/Team Job Reopen [Number], to mark a job as incomplete.

/Team Job List, to list available jobs.

/Team List, to list all teams.


teamwork.user is granted by default and allows access to all commands but /Team Create

teamwork.admin is granted to all ops and allows complete access


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 29, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 3, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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