
TCPack was built for my server, TzahiCraft, but I then decided it would be cool for the community to have this plugin. This plugin can Fake ban people, with two methods of doing so, make people say stuff, fake a join, etc. And it can compress items so if you have 64 planks you can get 16 logs from it, and finally, it can change client-side time. This means I can be seeing night, while everyone sees day, and vice-versa.


Format: /command - Command description. - permission.node
/fake - Get all fake commands. - fake.list
/fake join - Fakes you logging in. - fake.join
/fake join (username) - Fakes (username) logging in. - fake.join.other
/fake leave - Fakes you logging out. - fake.leave
/fake leave (username) - Fakes (username) logging out. - fake.leave.other
/fake op (username) - Fake ops (username). - fake.op
/fake deop (username) - Fake deops (username). - fake.deop
/fake ban (username) - Fake bans the player with message in config file. - fake.ban
/fake gban (username) - Fake bans the player with message in config file, and announces it with message in config file. - fake.gban
/fake gban (username) (reason) - Fake bans the player with message in config file, and announces it with message in config file for fake banning with a reason. - fake.gban
/fake kill (username) (reason) - Fake kills (username) with the reason (reason). - fake.kill
/fake restart - Fake restarts server. Just shows a message defined in the config - fake.restart
/fake restart (username) - Fake restarts server for the specific player. Just shows a message defined in the config - fake.restart.other
/fake give (username) (item) - Fake gives a player a specified item. Item can have multiple words. - fake.give
/fake say (username) (message) - Fake (username) to say (message). - fake.say

/compress - Get all compress commands. - compress.list
/compress wood - Compresses all planks in your inventory into logs. - compress.wood
/compress bonemeal - Compresses all bonemeal into bones. compress.bonemeal
/compress ores - Compresses diamond, gold, and iron into their block form. - compress.ores

/ptime - Get all playertime commands. - ptime.list
/ptime day - Sets your time to day. -
/ptime night - Sets your time to night. - ptime.night
/ptime morning - Sets your time to morning. - ptime.morning
/ptime reset - Sets your time to the server time. - ptime.reset
/ptime info - Gives you information about the time. -

/fly - Get all flight commands. - fly.list
/fly t - Toggles flight. - fly.toggle
/fly on - Enables flight. - fly.enable
/fly off - Disables flight. - fly.disable
/fly on (username) - Enables flight for player. - fly.enable.other
/fly off (username) - Disables flight for player. - fly.disable.other
/fly t (username) - Toggles flight for player. - fly.toggle.other


  • Make color codes work in config file (0.4)
  • Allow reasons to be set with banning. (0.5)
  • Allow each set of commands to be disabled or enabled. Ex: (AllowPtime: true)

[ Latest Download (0.8) | Config help | Source code ]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 16, 2013
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