


Note: At the moment I do not have that much time to maintain TaxFreeRegion (and I stopped using Bukkit). I will try to provide compatibility updates - but I can't promise you that updates will be available the day after a new release of Bukkit.

TaxFreeRegion enables you to define regions where a user who enters that region gets different permissions. You can black- and whiltelist specific commands (not only basic commands - the black-/whiltelist checks the whole command with all parameters). Additionally you can control what the plugin does when a player enters or leaves a region (execute commands, change the inventory, ...). The plugin also offers certain protection options which ensure that a player cannot abuse extended rights which he got inside the region.

Uses for this plugin:

  • Creative-area on survival server
  • PvP Area
  • Adventure area
  • Create an area with different permissions
  • Create a regeneration area
  • Create a shopping area
  • ...


(this video is from the old version 0.2)


  • Define multiple independent regions with multi-world support;
  • Manipulate inventory, health, hunger and XP when a player enters/leaves a region (save and clear, do nothing, restore the saved, ...)
  • Inventory reward system: Enter a region -> inventory is saved and cleared. Leave the region -> You get your old inventory back AND you have access to all items you collected inside the region.
  • Give regions a name and welcome users that enter those regions.
  • Define regions with WorldEdit or use existing WorldGuard regions.
  • Server restart proof, you won't loose your inventory if you disconnect or the server restarts;
  • Define permissions that will be applied to a player when he enters the region.
  • Blacklist and whitelist commands.
  • Configure protections for every region to prevent players from transporting items across the border.
  • Run commands (instant or delayed) when a player enters/leaves a region.


  • WorldEdit 5.5.7
  • WorldGuard 5.8 (optional)


  • Download the JAR file and put it in the plugins folder
  • Make sure you have WorldEdit and that it is enabled
  • Restart the server.





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