
Available commands

Command:/taxfree or /tf

Administrative commands

/taxfree list
Lists all configurad regions.
/taxfree add NAME [WorldGuard Region|World]
/tf add MyRegion: Creates a new region with the current WorldEdit selection and the given name. (see Create regions)
/tf add MyRegion MyWGRegion: Creates a new region based on the geiven WorldGuard region and the given name.
/tf add MyRegion world_nether: Creates a new region with the given name for the ehole world (here: world_nether).
/taxfree delete
Removes an existing region.
/taxfree reload
Reloads the region configuration
/taxfree reset
Resets TaxFreeRegion - clear all saved inventories, all rewards, all information which player is in which region.
Usually you should not have to use this. It could and will cause data loss. But if something is not working as expected after an update/configuration change/unclean server shutdown this can help.

User commands

/taxfree clear
Clears the inventory of the player (useful if item dropping in a region is denied)