
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Olá amigos, eu estou trazendo aqui o meu plugin de minecraft bukkit 1.5.2, Ele tem varias coisas, pois tarei colocando o TatGames para ajudar os servidores.


- /fumarerva this command not have permission.

- /an <message> broadcast message global. what permission is: tat.anounce

- /avisoreiniciar wanted reload this server. what permission is: tat.ar

- /limparchat to clear a global chat! what permission is: tat.cc

- /vida or /vida <player> to health you! what permission is: tat.vida

- /infosv to view some informations to server what permission is: tat.infosv

== IP OF THE SERVER OF TESTS: == ==== jogar-tatgames.servegame.com:25586

My Teacher


Hello, my name is Tatsunow, hm... Thank you for view my page on bukkit, i like if you test my plugin, please.

My Skype: thiago.dlugosz

My Hotmail: [email protected]

How is possible your view I'm from Brazil!


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