How to use

We made it simple for you. But we aren't going to sit here and bore you with how to use them in-depth like wide-load probably wants me to. We're just going to give you the basics. The commands a re so simple, we shouldn't even need to GO in depth.


/votekick <player> - calls a vote to kick target player
/votemute <player> - calls a vote to mute a player
/voterestart - calls a vote to restart the arena


/tpp kick <player> - kicks target player from arena
/tpp mute <player> - Mutes target player in arena
/tpp ban <player> - Bans target player from ALL arenas


/tpp start <arena> - Starts/enables target arena
/tpp stop <arena> - Stops/disables target arena
/tpp create <arena> <type> <ArenaRegion> <SpawnRegion>
/tpp delete <arena> - deletes/removes target arena permanently


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