TARDIS v4.1.0
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UploadedJul 19, 2019
Size3.38 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.14
Updated to Spigot 1.14.4-R0.1
Requires TARDISChunkGenerator 4.1.0 (see "Additional files" below)
- Added new biomes to Biome disks
- Added new items and blocks to condenser
- Added world management features to support Whovian worlds. Multiverse (or other world managers) are no longer required (but still compatible). Please let TARDIS manage its own worlds!
- Added a /tardisworld [load|unload] [world] command
- Added a command to change the gamemode of a world /tardisworld gm [gamemode]
- Added a command to rename a world /tardisworld rename [old name] [new name]
- Added a /tardisteleport [world] command
- Added a /tardisgamemode [gamemode] command
- Added a tardis.gamemode.bypass permission to bypass gamemode switching when changing worlds
- Added a Pickup Arrows sonic upgrade
- Added Custard Cream recipe and a Custard Cream dispenser
- Added the Berry Bush to Sonic replanter
- Added some fireworks to repeaters when there is a malfunction
- Added the 13th Doctor's console
- Added the Factory console
Lots of code changes made to support Spigot 1.14.x!
- Updated all item and block names to 1.14.x
- Tamed cats can be farmed, but not wild ocelots
- MushroomCow variants are now saved when mob farming and ejecting
- Updated to the latest WorldGuard / WorldEdit APIs
- The plugin no longer relies on the TerrainControl / OpenTerrainGenerator plugin to generate custom Whovian worlds (Skaro, Gallifrey, Siluria)
- Moved all planet / world configuration to planets.yml
- Removed the WorldEdit version check so servers can use FAWE instead
- Now checking for Handles when changing the Desktop Theme (and cancelling if he is found so he can be removed)
- There is now increased damage to circuits if a malfunction occurs (and difficulty is set to hard)
- Increased the size of the Desktop Theme GUI so it will fit in more custom consoles
Bug fixes
- Fixed random location repeater SQL queries for servers using MySQL
- Fixed the AQUARIUM schematic with missing repeater
- Fixed problems with the /tardissay command
- Fixed doing TARDIS achievements even if they are disabled in the config
- Made sure a TARDIS' home location isn't in another Time Lord's home location
- Fixed the Desktop theme not using a player's wall and floor block preferences
- Fixed falling into the void when changing desktop theme to the BIGGER console
- Fixed a NPE in constructs converter