
A plugin for Craftbukkit which allows users to play a "kick the can style" game of tag. Currently only regular tag is supported with plans for expanding the features in the future.


  • /tagnew - Creates a new game of tag at the players location
  • /tagjoin - Allows other players to join in the game. Also, teleports the players to the game creators location from anywhere in the world
  • /tagstart - Starts the game of tag. Whoever is "it" is given a speed and jump boost. Tag players by right clicking them.
  • /tagquit - Quit the game. If you are "it" the last person who joined the game becomes "it". You are teleported back to where you were before the game started.
  • /tagstop - Allows the person who is "it" to end the game for everyone.
  • /taglist - Shows all the players in the game.
  • /tagwho - Shows who is currently "it"
  • /tagtagged - Shows who has been tagged. (This will be more important once "kick the can" functionality has been added)

Features: Server broadcast messages update everyone on the action. Trying to tag someone not in the game results in a message saying they aren't playing and a message to the person tagged asking if they would like to play. Join from anywhere in the world with the comfort of knowing that as soon as the game is over you'll be sent back to where you were when you left. Disconnection/Death during the game results in automatic removal from the game and and in the case of disconnection teleportation back to your origin.

Planned features: True kick the can style game play with a "base" that you have to get to and the classic close your eyes and count to ten (done by making all other players temporarly vanish). Adjustable time limits on games Better control through more commands including permissions based commands for admins. And much more :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 1, 2013
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