"That" TAB plugin. This plugin developed by NEZNAMY on github (GitHub - NEZNAMY/TAB: "That" TAB plugin.) For more information visit there. 

TAB aims to be a superior all-in-one minecraft plugin for displaying information that outperforms all similar plugins in terms of features, performance and compatibility.

Easy to install

Support for all possible Minecraft versions containing features the plugin is able to take advantage of, support for multiple platforms (Bukkit, BungeeCord, Fabric, Sponge), with everything contained in a single jar which you can download directly. No need to browse version history, ask what plugin version you need for your server version, visit random websites looking for the download button, or anything similar. The same jar supports all versions & platforms, and the latest plugin version will always work for you.

It works

The plugin doesn't spam your console with errors, doesn't have compatibility issues with half of the plugins, and doesn't just decide to randomly stop working for no reason. It just works. Bug reports are fixed with highest priority and preferred over adding new features. It's not unusual for a plugin of this size to have a 3-digit open issue count on github. Meanwhile TAB is at 1-digit count at all times.

Feature packed

All of the most requested features in a single plugin. No need to install many plugins, disable features so they don't conflict with each other, or be forced to run your server on a version that all of the plugins support in common. All features, all server versions in a single plugin.

Beyond the limits

Mojang decided to put some kind of limitation on almost every feature TAB offers. Other developers simply say "Mojang limit, nothing we can do about it, goodbye". This is not the case here. With every limitation I find, I look for ways to bypass it, and I've found most of them. As you can see on the Limitations page, most of them explain how the limits can be bypassed, so you can have your server configured how you really want. These bypasses require a ton of work involved, and it's much easier to say "not possible" than actually doing it.

Up to date

The plugin is not abandoned. It is constantly getting updated to fix reported bugs, add support for new MC versions as they come out and get new optimizations that can help it run as smoothly as possible, whilst still working the way you want it to.

High performance

Unlike with other plugins where "high performance" often means your CPU usage will be high, TAB has a very low CPU footprint. There is a command available that shows the entire plugin's CPU usage. Here you can see which part of TAB is occupying the most of your CPU, and there are many ways to optimize TAB to get the most out of it, the most common being increasing refresh rates for individual placeholders if they're inefficient. This is done on a per-placeholder basis, instead of slowing down the refresh rate of an entire feature, which may break animations. Performance is also actively monitored on large servers, and observations show that it performs very well, meaning it will almost certainly perform even better on smaller servers.






Installation on Bukkit/Spigot/Paper is as simple as it can be. Just put the plugin into plugins folder and restart the server.
Dynamic (re)loads at runtime such as /plugman load tab to load the plugin are fully supported. However, plugins hooking into TAB may break when you use plugman to reload it.


Proxy installation

This is the recommended setup. Put the plugin into plugins folder of the proxy server and restart it.
Recommended: Install TAB-Bridge on your backend servers for PlaceholderAPI support and more.
Note: With BungeeCord installation use /btab command instead of /tab.

Advantages of proxy installation compared to installing on all backend servers instead:

  • Can use the Global player list
  • Can use RGB colors for 1.16 clients even if backend servers are <1.16
  • Avoid header/footer and bossbar not disappearing on server switch
  • Configuration files in a single place for easier editing / no need to use MySQL for syncing data

Disadvantages compared to installing on all backend servers instead:

  • No per-world player list (can be achieved by installing the plugin on backend servers and disabling all features except the per-world player list)

Backend installation

Just like when not using BungeeCord, install the plugin on all servers where you want the plugin. However, this setup is not recommended (see advantages of proxy installation).

Mixed installation

Mixed installation is absolutely not recommended and should be avoided. It requires you to disable features to make only 1 instance handle a single feature at a time, which most people fail miserably to do, resulting in issues such as header/footer flashing between proxy and backend configuration. With bridge you are able to achieve almost anything with proxy installation.

Updating the plugin

Updating the plugin is always as simple as replacing old jar with the new one.

You do not need to reset your configuration files or make any manual changes to them. If any changes to configuration are made (changed / removed / added), TAB will automatically convert your existing configuration files to the latest format (most notably 2.9.2 -> 3.0.0, but any other changes as well).

Downgrading is completely unsupported, as old plugin version cannot know what the future config format is / will be. Just like Minecraft itself. There is no reason for downgrading anyway, as every version is superior to older versions released before it.



Installation on Bukkit/Spigot/Paper is as simple as it can be. Just put the plugin into plugins folder and restart the server.
Dynamic (re)loads at runtime such as /plugman load tab to load the plugin are fully supported. However, plugins hooking into TAB may break when you use plugman to reload it.


Proxy installation

This is the recommended setup. Put the plugin into plugins folder of the proxy server and restart it.
Recommended: Install TAB-Bridge on your backend servers for PlaceholderAPI support and more.
Note: With BungeeCord installation use /btab command instead of /tab.

Advantages of proxy installation compared to installing on all backend servers instead:

  • Can use the Global player list
  • Can use RGB colors for 1.16 clients even if backend servers are <1.16
  • Avoid header/footer and bossbar not disappearing on server switch
  • Configuration files in a single place for easier editing / no need to use MySQL for syncing data

Disadvantages compared to installing on all backend servers instead:

  • No per-world player list (can be achieved by installing the plugin on backend servers and disabling all features except the per-world player list)

Backend installation

Just like when not using BungeeCord, install the plugin on all servers where you want the plugin. However, this setup is not recommended (see advantages of proxy installation).

Mixed installation

Mixed installation is absolutely not recommended and should be avoided. It requires you to disable features to make only 1 instance handle a single feature at a time, which most people fail miserably to do, resulting in issues such as header/footer flashing between proxy and backend configuration. With bridge you are able to achieve almost anything with proxy installation.

Updating the plugin

Updating the plugin is always as simple as replacing old jar with the new one.

You do not need to reset your configuration files or make any manual changes to them. If any changes to configuration are made (changed / removed / added), TAB will automatically convert your existing configuration files to the latest format (most notably 2.9.2 -> 3.0.0, but any other changes as well).

Downgrading is completely unsupported, as old plugin version cannot know what the future config format is / will be. Just like Minecraft itself. There is no reason for downgrading anyway, as every version is superior to older versions released before it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2023
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