Player Tags

Player Tags

  • As of version 0.9.6, nametags (above players' heads) is configurable.
  • Note: Tag integration REQUIRES TagAPI or the commands will not work


/tag[player] <colorcode>srpg.tagChange the color of your nameplate above your head For the color code, simply put & and then one of the Minecraft color codes, found here
/tagr[player]srpg.tagrReset your/a tag


  • You can choose to manually edit the tags configuration file (tags.yml), but this is NOT recommended and I will NOT provide support if you mess up player's skins
  • Keep all phrases in single quotes. Example: dmulloy2: '&bdmulloy2'
  • For Tag colors, it is simply the chat color you would like it to be (Ex: &2Green = Green)
  • When manually editing Tags, changing any part of the name can and will change the person's skin (This is why I don't recommend manually editing tags, using /tag is much easier and will not tamper with the player's skin no matter what)


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