Alias tutorial

The alias file is plugins/Sve/svealias.yml.

An alis file is in YAML format, so if a line contains characters like : it must be surrounded by " and ". All aliases are in group aliases.

Alias syntax

An alias looks like this:

  - alias_name param1 param2 param3:
    - command1 args
    - command2 args

An example ~ a warn command that warns a player and sends it a message:

  - warn player/p msg...:
    - tell @player You have been warned! @msg

Note that variables are prefixed with @ when they are used. /p tells to the alias system to except a player name, and ... after msg tells that message can be multiple words long or empty.

Aliases can be overloaded as long as they have a different number of parameters. The above example, however, could not be as it has a *variable length argument* msg.

  - givestone:
    - give @m 1 64
  - givestone p
    - give @p 1 64

@m contains the name of the player who ran the command.

Built-in commands


reply message...

Sends a message to the player who ran the command.

- reply Command executed successfully!


set variable string...

Assigns a value to a variable.

- set player johh
- tell @player Hi!


set variable svecode...

Executes sve code and assigns returned value to a variable.

- set a 1
- set b 1
- set! sum @a+@b


system command...



Executes following code block or argument as the console.

- system say doing things...
- system:
  - whitelist on
  - say turned whitelist on


wait time command...


wait time:

Waits given ticks and then executes the following command or code block.

- say turning server off in 10 seconds
- wait 200 stop

- say saving everything and closing server in 10 seconds
- wait 200:
  - save-all
  - stop


wait! svecode...:

Same as wait, but executes argument as sve code:

- wait! 20*10:
  - say 10 seconds
  - wait! 20*10:
    - say 20 seconds


if! svecode...:

Executes following block if argument sve code evaluates to true.

- if! @m.y > 65:
   - say higher than 65


while! svecode...:

Executes following block again and again as long as a condition is true (sve code). Use with care!

- while! @m.y > 65
  - tp @m ~ ~-5 ~

foreach ... in

foreach variable in list...:

List may be either a selector(@a[x,y,z]) or a predefined list (@worlds is the only one right now). Multiple selectors and lists may be iterated in one loop, they must be separeted using plus sign +.

- reply warning players in the spawn area
- foreach player in @a[0,65,0,10,w=spawn]:
  - tell @player Please leave the spawn area!

foreach ... in!

foreach variable in! svecode...:

Similar to but iterates a sve list instead of a selector list.

- foreach num in! range(0,100):
  - say @num


sve! svecode

Executes sve code, but replaces alias system variables with their values.

- coordinates player/p:
  - sve! tell( @m, @player.x + "," + @player.y + "," + @player.z )


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