This is early version of SurvivalPVP. For now it doesn't have any configuration.
- Plugin uses sqlite for storing data
- Plugin counts kills and deaths
- For now it has built-in kits for vip and normal players
- It has simple shop system. It's unchangealbe for now.
- You earn money
- It has default spawn protection for 30 blocks radius
- It has simple antilogout system
- It has nice scoreboard
- Code doesn't look messy, but I'll take any tips to make code better
There are two simple permissions
- lobby.svip - it's for vip rank
- lobby.ekipa - it's for mods, ops permission
Plugin contains permissions for /home in essentials so players can set their own spawns. Also plugin is in Polish language so it's not so convinient for non-english people. But I think I'll correct those issues in second update.
Source Code
Source code for this plugin is available at: Here is a link to project
- NONE (For now)