Ever wanted to have that one special ability for the Survival Games, but you just didn't know how to code it in java?? Well this plugin is for you. This adds special abilities to the Survival Games, allowing for kits and fully customizable game!
SurvivalGamesKits is a plugin that has the aim of creating a fully automated hunger games style experience but it also adds kits into it! it is very simple to use, and also very easily to setup on any type of server, no matter the size or type! SurvivalGamesKits provides a way for your server to have a full fledged, fully automated hunger games experience for any player
Arena Setup
You don't need to setup! the plugin does everything for you!
- Download plugin
- Put in plugins folder
- Restart server
- Enjoy!
- /sgk help
- /sgk kitinfo
- /sgk kit
- /sgk spawn
- /sgk team
- /sgk teleport
- /sgk
- sgk.admin.start
- sgk.admin.*
- sgk.admin.check
- sgk.admin.transaction
- sgk.admin.stats
- sgk.kit.<kitname>
- sgk.kit.*
- sgk.admin.spawn
- sgk.admin.editblocks
- sgk.spectator
- sgk.admin.logingame
- sgk.admin.full
- sgk.admin.gamemaker
- sgk.admin.color
To Do List
Nothing yet please comment :D
Hello, If you ever get online again id like to download your plugin and possibly use my server as a test server for your plugin
Whats the download link? i am using this for my server
Ok Now this plugin is just AMAZING!!! I have to get it!!! I need it for My survivalGames, 1 Question Will the Plugin "SurvivalGames" The Most Used one, Will it work with that?
D d d downloadlink?:D
Download link?
I can't find the download link :(
cant wait!!! i need this plugin, just like Hypixel survival games!! Cool dude COOL :)
Its exactly the same as his plugin but this one is coded differently so that it will include kits and stuff :D I am still working on it! i got some testers who are testing the plugin
Will this plugin work with Survival Games made by Double0Negative? The plugin already has some sort of kits mech but it won't work properly.
Hey everyone! Never thought I would get one comment o.o Thanks alot for this support even if you think it is not much but it means alot to me :D I am in High school so I don't Have much time to code the rest :/ I got 75% of the project done I just need some testers and Ticket manager Please PM me with your application. Thank you!
add me skype: stephan11ds
Hey dude, i am also a developers need help? Add my skype: alexlyn3 i would like to help!
I can't wait !