
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



This plugin is made from this plugin request. You can now execute commands by standing on a pressure plate, and with a sign nearby. The config will hold all the information about the different signs, their commands and locations.

Commands and Permissions

In SurpriseSigns you have two main commands. You can use /ss or /surprisesign, and you use both of them in the same way. (I am just using /ss for the examples)

  • /ss register <sign name> - Use this, to register a SurpriseSign - surprisesigns.register
  • /ss unregister <sign name> - Use this, to unregister a SurpriseSign - surprisesgins.unregister
  • /ss setcommand <command> - Use this, to set a command on a SurpriseSign - surprisesigns.setcommand
  • /ss list - Use this, to see all the names, of all the SurpriseSigns on the server, and their locations - surprisesigns.list
  • "Admin Permission" - Use all SurpriseSigns commands - surprisesigns.admin


When you want to make a SurpriseSign, you will first need to register it, by typing /ss register <sign name>. Then you will be prompted to right-click a sign that you want to make into a SurpriseSign. Now what you need to do, is type in this command /ss set command <command>. The command can have so many arguments you want (And remember it's without /). If you need to target the player, that's triggering the pressure plate, then instead of the player name, you just type in '<player>'. When press return, you will once again be prompted to right-click, on a already registered SurpriseSign, to set/change a command on it. When you have done all that, you will need to place the pressure plate. This can be done on one of those positions:


Then you're ready to be a real pressure plate stepper! ;)

There might be a video tutorial later!


/ss list: You can use the /ss list command, if you want to see all of your SurpriseSigns on your Server. You can both see their name, x, y and z coordinates, and also the world name of the world, the sign was placed in. It will also send how many hits there were found, to the player.

/ss unregister: This is pretty simple. You type the command like this /ss unregister <sign name>. In the sign name, you put in the name of the SurpriseSign that you want to be removed. If you don't remember what the SurpriseSign is called you could use the /ss list to se where it is, and what the name of it is. Then from here, just press return, and the SurpriseSign is just gone like Magic!

Maybe coming features

It is here i post new ideas that come to my mind, or just one that i got from you guys. Already one:

  1. /ss info command to right-click a sign, and get information like location and name on it.
  2. Teleportation by clicking on the coordinates in the chat, when using /ss list.

Bugs, New features, Questions, etc.

If you want to report a bug, ask a question or just ask for a new feature that you would like to see in the plugin, then just comment below :)

idea by @Sw_aG


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