
Sugar Farm


Make sugar cane farming resemble other forms of farming, rather than just exponential growth.

It inhibits the ability to plant sugar cane directly, but adds sugar cane seeds that can drop from the sugar cane if you harvest it. In order to harvest the sugar cane, you need to break it with a hoe, which will break the whole stalk in one strike, but will still use one durability of the tool per block.

The chance for the sugar cane to drop seeds varies between 30% and 40% for the wood to gold hoes, but is 60% for a diamond one. Each block drops one sugar cane, except with a gold hoe it has a 30% chance to drop two.

It also allows you to use bonemeal to grow sugar cane to three blocks high instantly.


/sugarseed - Gives you a stack of sugar cane seeds, for use since these aren't accessible from creative inventory Aliases: sugar, seed, ss, sugseed, sug


sugarfarm.sugar-seed - Provides access to sugarseed command, ops by default


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