
StuckInTheMud v1.0b1
Tested with CraftBukkit recommended build 1000

Found a bug?
Reply to the thread, email me at [email protected] or join #ChrizC on

Thank you!**

Play freeze tag! (known as Stuck In The Mud in the UK)
Define a lobby and arena areas to be protected, and teleported to!

How to install (no MySQL):
If you're not going to use a MySQL database for this plugin, simply drop the JAR file into your /plugins folder, reload, and start building your arena!

How to install (with MySQL):
If you have a MySQL database that you would like to use for this plugin, you will have to edit the configuration file with your database details once the plugin is installed. This is explained further down.

StuckInTheMud brings the old childhood game of Freeze Tag into the Minecraft world!

A variation of the well know Tag, Freeze Tag (or Stuck In The Mud in the UK) freezes players when they are tagged by a "chaser." To be unfrozen, they must be tagged by a non-frozen normal player.

The game ends when everyone is frozen, or the time expires.

Defining the Lobby and Arena areas:
You can run a game of StuckInTheMud without a lobby or arena, however this is impractical and rather silly. You can also run a game without a lobby.

If a lobby is defined, players are teleported into the lobby when they register for the game. (the lobby can be in a different world to the player - the player will still be teleported) The players wait here until the game begins. If they unreg, or the game is ended, they will be teleported back to their last known position.

When defined, lobbies and arenas are protected from all block places and breaks.

If an arena is defined, players are teleported to a random place in the arena. Players will not spawn on top of any liquid. Players will also spawn on the highest block inside the arena (not the roof.) This means you can build bridges, obstacles etc. and a player may spawn on top of them.

Need an arena quick? Can't be bothered to build an arena?
If you want to quickly play the game, but can't be bothered to build an arena, you can generate a temporary arena. This arena stays built until an admin issues a tear down command, or the plugin is disabled. The arena will obey all block protections and spawns.

When the game begins, chasers will be randomly assigned based on the number of current players. For every 5 players, one player will be a chaser. You're told who the chasers are at the start of the match. You're also told if you're a chaser.

When you enter the arena, your inventory is stored, then cleared. You're given a pair of shears. If you right click whilst holding these shears, you are given the current player list. This allows you to easily see who's frozen, and who's chasing, without pausing to type a command.

During the countdown, you will be frozen in place until the word "GO."

When you are tagged by a chaser, you will be told you have been frozen in place. You will not be allowed to move outside of the block you were in when you were tagged. You can jump, and look around.

If you're not a chaser, and you spot somebody who is frozen, tag them to un-freeze them!

The chasers win if every regular player is frozen.
The regular players win if they survive long enough. (defined by command input)

Finish spawnpoints.
Prevent a temporary arena being generated if a hand-built arena exists.
If you have any suggestions, post them below and I may choose to implement it!

Known issues:
None so far.
Please, feel free to post bug reports below. Include any errors and your CB build.

If you have Permissions by TheYeti installed, you can use these permission nodes. Otherwise, the plugin will use built-in SuperPerms. If no SuperPerms handler is found, the plugin defaults to opchecks for any admin nodes.
'sitm.admin.reg' - this permission allows the user/group to start a new game registration.
'sitm.admin.begin' - this permission allows the user/group to begin the game.
'sitm.admin.cancel' - this permission allows the user/group to cancel the countdown.
'sitm.admin.endgame' - this permission allows the user/group to end the game in progress.
'sitm.admin.define' - this permission allows the user/group to define the arena and lobby areas.
'sitm.admin.generate' - this permission allows the user/group to generate a temporary arena.
'sitm.admin.teardown' - this permission allows the user/group to tear down the temporary arena.
'sitm.admin.freeze' - this permission allows the user/group to freeze or unfreeze players with commands.
'sitm.admin.forcereg' - this permission allows the user/group to force other users to register in the game.
'sitm.users.join' - this permission allows the user/group to join a game.

The configuration file config.yml will be generated with the default values:


listItem: 359
useMySQL: false
verbose: false
leaderboard: true
username: root
tablePrefix: sitm
host: localhost
dbname: stuckinthemud
password: password

  • listItem - this is the ID of the item given to players when they enter the arena, that provides the player list on right click.
  • useMySQL - when set to true, the plugin will attempt to connect to and use the MySQL database defined by the options below.
  • database - this is a wrapper node for the below nodes
  • username - the username of the defined database.
  • tablePrefix - you don't need to change this unless you want the prefix of the tables this plugin creates to be different.
  • host - the address of your MySQL server. This can be provided by your server host.
  • dbname - the name of the database to use.
  • password - the password to connect to the database.
  • verbose - when set to true, this plugin will enter "debug mode." This mode prints to the server messages it would not normally print. This is useful to aid debugging.
  • leaderboard - when set to false, the plugin does not store win/play stats.


  • Version 1.0b1
    I am an idiot. Fixed NPE on player join with no arena defined.
  • Version 1.0


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 24, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Aug 24, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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