Streetlights Advanced

Streetlights Advanced - Realistic nighttime lights

Streetlights Advanced is the most advanced plugin for lighting up structures like streets, parks, houses or even whole cities at nighttime.
You can choose from a variety of different lamp types that will turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise. The lamps work fully-automatic once set-up, requiring no redstone at all.

Supported Lamp Types

  Redstone Lamp (Redstone Lamp off -> Redstone Lamp on)

Torch Lamp (Redstone Lamp off -> Torch)

Pumpkin Lamp (Pumpkin -> Jack O Lantern)

Sea Lantern Lamp (Stained Glass -> Sea Lantern)

End-Rod lamp (Stained Glass Pane (Pole) -> End-Rod)

Fire Lamp (Wood, Log, Netherrack, Coal Block -> will be set on fire)

Glowstone Lamp (Glowstone Lamp off -> Glowstone)

Redstone Torch lamp (Redstone Lamp off -> Redstone Lamp on)



  1. Place a daylight detector somewhere on the map. Right-click it with an empty bowl to set it up as the main detector. You need to have a sensor for each map you have lamps on.
    Make sure the detector is away from any source of light.
  2. Right-click any lamp block you want to add or remove with an empty bowl. Streetlights Advanced will now fully-automatically activate this lamp during night.

For a more realistic look, the lamps will go on or off one after another just like an electric signal spreading down the road.


  • /lights how - Help command
  • /lights commands - List all commands
  • /lights save - Save Streetlights database
  • /lights reload - Reload Streetlights database (save before!)
  • /lights clean - Clean Streetlights database from bad entries (dead lamps and sensors)
  • /lights turn on/off/auto - Manually control the lamps on this world. Auto is the default automatic setting


  • streetlights.* - All permissions
  • streetlights.register.all - Permission to register / unregister ANY Streetlights lamp (admin)
  • streetlights.register.own - Permission to register / unregister ONLY OWN Streetlight lamps
  • streetlights.sensor - Permission to register the main daylight sensor Streetlights uses
  • - Permission to save Streetlights database
  • streetlights.reload - Permission to reload Streetlights database
  • streetlights.clean - Permission to clean Streetlights database
  • streetlights.control - Permission to manually control the lamps

By default, OPs have all permissions and all users have the permission streetlights.register.own (to set up own lamps but not interact with others)


  • Activate at level: Choose the light level at which the lamps should to turn on at night. Minecraft light levels go from 0 (fully dark) to 15 (fully bright), 7 (sunset) is default.
  • Delay: Lamps are activated one by one with a small delay. Specify how long this delay should be in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second). You can choose from 1-60 ticks, 3 is default.
  • Play OFF Effect: If an extinguish effect should appear when lamps turn off
  • Play ON Effect: If a light-up effect should appear when lamps turn on
  • Clean on start up: If the database should be cleaned from unused entries on every restart
  • Auto save: If the lamps should be constantly saved and not only at server restart. Enable this only if your server crashes a lot, so your newly added lamps are not lost.

The rest of the config file is maintained by the plugin itself! Do not modify these values!


Try these steps if something is now working, or write me an Email to: [email protected]

  • make sure you have set up a daylight sensor for the world you're in (right-click with empty bowl)
  • make sure the daylight sensor is placed below the open sky (can detect environmental light) and has a good distance to any other light source (>10 blocks)
  • recreate the config file (streetlights.yml) by renaming or deleting it
  • try "/lights turn on" or "/lights turn off" and see if this works. If so, use "/lights turn auto" to reset the lamps into auto mode
  • do you use a multi world plugin (multiple worlds)? By now, only Multiworld and MultiVerse (Core) are supported, leave me a PM to include other plugins
  • have a look into your server console - is there an error log? Please post it in the comments (especially if it reads Auto-updater failed)

Video Reviews (by jithin s)

Questions, suggestions or waiting for an update?

Write me a PM directly via the bukkit forums or contact me via Email: [email protected]. You can also post any bugs or good ideas in the comments section below.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 18, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jan 8, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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