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    Jan 12, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.6-R0.3


+ Lots more Forces :All discs are now filled up. This includes force sense, force sphere, force poison, force fly (VERY hard to control) and force stealth. You can also now stop slow arrows with force repulse.
+ Compatibility with the latest version of CraftBukkit (Dev Build).
+ Video tutorials coming soon.

+ Remote Control clones- Craft the leggings like leather ones, but with redstone in the middle. When wearing these, you can left/right click where you want your army to go. Aiming doesn't really work like this, though. Just kill the middle clone to get the army to be yours again.
+ Force Mind trick now makes all mobs have the potion effect, and they all just suddenly start walking east. ( This is intended. Eventually it will randomly pick where they go, maybe towards a cliff or even towards and start fighting an enemy)
+ Metrics has been included, purely for the purpose of my own good. IF you want to see the graphs ETC pm me.

+ Jedi Breathers - like a clone glider, only with sponges on top and bottom of the redstone. Allows for surviving underwater.
+ Force Grip has been redone. Anything you grip will stay where you are looking until you click on it again. When gripping blocks, gravity will apply to it.
+ Force Repulse has been added. Pretty much what it says on the tin, hurts enemies very little. Disc "11"
+ Lightsaber throw now effects EVERY mob in the area. It seems to have been avoiding every other one.

+ A new size of force field has been added. Put a gold block on top of an iron block and then a redstone torch on top. put a lever on one side a flick it to make a force field with radius 10.
+ You can go through force fields by right clicking on the wall of it.
+ Force Push has been improved! Pushing a mob/player won't push them through blocks, and when clicking on blocks, you will start to charge up your push, and then right click again to push the block/blocks. However much charge have will change the effect on the block. You can now also push water and you can be upto 50 blocks away from a block and still push it.
+ Everyone now has a Class (a.k.a Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, Clone) Depending on the most recent object you have crafted. This doesn't effect anything at the moment but there is an option in the config (so delete it and reload your server to get the new option) to display the class or not.

+ Compatability with 1.4.6
+ Lightsabers have been improved again! Now you can have proper light saber duels due to lots of new features. Just have a play.
+ Items now have a name in the Crafting table, and Lightsabers have coloured (colored) names.
+ Lightsaber throw is now with SHIFT and LEFT_CLICK and deals more damage. It is still configurable though.
+ Clone Gliders-acts like a combination between a jetpack and force boots. See Crafting->
+ Force Fields have an improved shape and feature range.
- No more lore on items :(
- Lightsaber glow has been removed until a better version can be put in. Possibly with firework lighting for colours :D .
- A lot more bug fixes and efficient code-ization.
-> Please don't forget to give more ideas whenever you think of them, and write on the forums.

+ Clones
+ Hatch bug fixed
+ Force Fields
+ Config Options
+ Sniper rifles and Blaster rifles have straight shots

+ A new world-Space - Obsidian in the hyperspacering
+ R2 ships can now fly! Use a wooden spade and right click in the direction you want to go. Your speed increases to up to 10 blocks a click! left click to reduce your speed to 1 block when landing. If you come in to fast you will crash into the ground.
- Your speed will increase a lot so you may fall out of your ship if there is any lag.
- Two of the three ships will rotate. This should be fine on little jumps of 1-3 blocks a second but if you have any more you might fall out of the ship.
+ R2 ships now have more commands. The smaller ships have levers and repeaters. The different settings on the repeater will do different things, but the only one currently enabled is cockpit opening/closing. To do this change to the repeater to 3 ticks and then right click on the lever in the cockpit with the wooden spade.
+ A bases of cloning has been added if you put a sign down with the correct text on, although clones will not follow you, and they might try to kill you!

- Blocking with a Lightsaber has been dramatically improved! Now when you block it will protect you from attacks and arrows but not from environmental damage such as lava.
Also, when someone fires an arrow at you you can deflect it back at them!
- Force powers can be bound to an inventory slot by left clicking.
- Some more bugs fixed with R2 and his ships. Now you can break the iron bars but they will regenerate in 5 seconds, and you cannot place blocks on any ship except the Hyperspace ring.
- More item names have been added.

- Items now have Starwars names(and Description)! - Once Crafted, click on the result to apply the name!
- Small chance there was an issue with R2. Fixed now.
- New Jet-pack/ Refined Jet-pack effects

- ForceMindTrade. - Right click on villagers with the mind-trick disc. Enjoy.

- Speeders - Complete with gun and chair-
- Bounty Hunter equipment.
- More Planets- But unfinished.
- More content on Tatooine -

- Updated for 1.3.1 even though it already worked....
- Green lightsabres made with Emerald Blocks now

-> Hyperspace rings and all that nonsense to get to them. Check the page
-> Nothing else at the moment becuase I am waiting for 1.3. Still some more planets though.

->Added a permission for never running out of force power "starwars.fullforce"
->Added Green+Red lightsabers. You craft like the original one, but gold blocks for Red and (temporarily) Iron blocks for green.I am going to change to emeralds/emerald blocks when they come out.
-> Added "Jet Packs". See crafting page.
-> Added R2 "Home from Home" Click him with wood to make a small working base.
-> Added more help.
-> Fixed Glowing lightsaber problems.
-> Fixed Millenium Falcon.
-> Very close to New worlds!

->LightSaber now glowing is now in config.
->/SW or /Starwars added more help.
->Completly Re-Writen R2 code so it is very efficient and almost never dies. You will lose him if you reload the server though. The way not to lose him is to exit and reload from console

->LightSaber now glows in the dark when holding it.
->/SW or /Starwars spawns a helpful "droid" and provides help for that user
->Fixed crafting permissions
->Sorted some more R2 bugs
-> Lightsaber Throw
-> Bit of programming Which leads to... THE Millenium Falcon

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> Jmaxchill joined the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information -Added X-wing-Added gravity!!!

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> DodgeDude123 joins the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information
-Added removal for ships(right click on R2 again)-Also added no duplication of blocks from ships.
-> Sorted duribility Bug for force boots
-> Changed Force grip to right click block, to pick up, and right click air to make it reappear. I consider this a much better movement, and I will not do anymore work on it.

->LightSaber(Enchanted sword(level 100 sharpness))-Cafting below.
...........->You can block attacks with the LightSaber for 5 seconds(including other LightSabers).
-> BlasterRifle(Enchanted bow(Level 100 power and infinity arrows))-Crafting below.
->Force-see bottom for how to use...Lightning,grip, push, choke, mind trick, jump and speed
..........-> Added Force boots for jump and speed. See crafting.
-> Permissions
-> DodgeDude123 joins the team
-> R2-D2-see below for more information

-> LightSaber
-> BlasterRifle
-> Force powers- Grip, push, and lightning.
-> Permissions!

- Unfinished TMOEndor and Kamino.
- When enabling the mod, all the planets generate will generate over the top of what was already there, so you can get areas with many water fountains on Tatooine.
- The is also a crash related to this.
- There maybe not be permissions for everything. I tried my best :(