
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Hi there, I'm a simple guy, that is new to plugin coding. I can't make any hardcore plugins, however, I like coding and programming. So here's a simple plugin that will put your staff members in a list with a command.


Basicly, this plugin will show up a list of your staff members when typing: /staff

You can also do /owners - /head-admins - /admins - /head-mods - /mods, and it will show that specific group.

If you do not use a group, you can disable it in the config. e.g.: You only have admins but no head-admins, put false in the config behind use-head-admins: and it will not show up in /staff. When the group is disabled but someone still decides to use /head-admins, they will be notified by this message:

no head-admins


This is an example of what could come up when entering the command /staff and every group is turned on:

This is an example of what will show up when typing in /owners:

The other groups look the same.

Commands & Permissions

  • /staff - sr.staff
  • /owners - sr.owners
  • /admins & /head-admins - sr.admins
  • /mods & /head-mods- sr.mods
  • /sr-reload - sr.reload


The permissions nodes are the same in every language!

Installation guide

  1. Put the StaffRanks.jar in your plugins folder.
  2. Reload or restart the server, if the server isn't on, start it.
  3. Go to the folder in your plugins folder which is called StaffRanks.
  4. Edit the config.yml and enter your staff members there.
  5. Now type in the console or In-Game: /sr-reload.


Do NOT use the standard notepad for changing the config.yml, it will sometimes glitch out for some reason. Heavily recommended is something like Notepad++.

To-Do List

  • Adding More languages
  • Custom groupnames (integration with permissions plugins like PermissionsEx or GroupManager)
  • Change colors wether a staff member is online or offline
  • Suggestions?


Please note that I am new to coding and plugin programming. If there is a problem or bug, please let me know in the comments below, or explain what the problem is. Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 16, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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