[FREE] Staff Plugin - Working - Be able to tell if staff are online! -
Hey! I'm releasing a staff plugin that I created.
This plugin shows you if any staff members are online.
All you do is /staff. If you're a staff member and you want to be on /staff, all you do is ask a Admin/Operator for the permission "is.staff" This makes you appear on /staff if you are online.
Thank you. I'll release some other plugins soon too! It's hard to make plugins on a potato.. I broke some of my keyboard keys + I get like 20 fps on MC. gg.
Awesome. :D.
Ohhh, Sorry bud, I forgot to add a a download, I'll add it now. :)
This looks like an amazing plugin but.... where is the download button?
This is fairly funny actually! I just released my plugin that's pretty much the same as this :P