Roll The Dice

This plugin lets players 'gamble' on items. You can customize what items they can receive and the cooldown time they get. After the player issues the command, cooldown starts and they have to wait to issue it again. There are 2 tiers of items, generic and rare. Rare items appear less than the generic items. Configuration can be done in the plugins folder, although it is not necessary. The configuration file is auto generated. "Cooldown" is the time in seconds players have to wait before executing the commands. "ItemGroupA" is the items that are less rare and more common. "ItemGroupB" is the items that are rare and show up less often. Move the items between the groups to change what players can get. Delete items if you don't want them to receive them at all. TNT, TNT Minecarts have been removed. How to Use
1. Place plugin jar into plugins folder.
2. Reload/Restart server.
3. Edit the plugin configuration to match your preference.
1. Change the cooldown time of the command.
2. Change what items are available.
3. Two tiers of items with different chances.
/rtd - Roll the dice and get a prize (or not).
/rollthedice - Alias of /rtd Permission Nodes
rtd.allow - Allow the user to execute the command
Operators also get to use the command. GitHub: rollthedice
Please let me know if there are any problems and if you would like more features added.


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