
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Have you ever wanted to give your admins/moderators the ability to ban, but you don't want them to be able to hand out permanent bans? Maybe you tried a tempban plugin but then again they could give years of bans? Or maybe your players are just complaining because you have many admins who issue different kinds of bans? Then this plugin is for you! It makes punishments fair and equal.

If you are using SQLAutoBan, you won't need any other banning plugin, it can handle everything you will ever need! (Since it also offers tempban and permban commands)
It is also very lightweight, as you can see while having a look at the file size, so it will reduce the lag compared to using a heavier plugin.

What this plugin does is that it lets you set up pre-defined lengths for bans, increasing every time the player is banned again. And it fully supports (or actually requires) MySQL! For example you could set it up so when any player is banned for the first time, he/she will stay banned for 1 day. On his/her second ban it would increase to 3 days, third ban would last a week, etc. The plugin also supports permanent bans, for the people with right permission nodes.


* Set the ban length for each ban as you want them to be in the config file.

* Allow ranks with specific permission node to use autoban command to issue a ban of automatic length, depending on the config and amount of previous bans.

* Allow ranks with specific permission node to use tempban command and specify how many days it should last.

* Allow ranks with specific permission node to use permanent ban command.

* Allow ranks with specific permission node to unban players. (If you want to erase a player's history of previous bans, you must do it directly on the MySQL database)

* Supports all permission plugins. (let us know if you find one it doesn't!)

* Ban information such as ban reason, ban issuer, start date, expiry date and number of previous bans are stored on MySQL.

* Since it saves everything on MySQL, you could use a php script for example, to create a ban list on your forums.

* Supports console commands, so you may use other plugins that require you to run commands through console. (The ban issuer name will then be "CONSOLE")

* In the config you may choose whether or not to let any players join the server if connection to the MySQL could not be established. Good safety option in case your MySQL goes down for some reason.

* The plugin is pretty lightweight.

* Every online player on the server will see a message whenever a player is banned or unbanned.

* If you have 2 servers or more, you can also connect them all to the same database to have global banning system between your servers!


* /sqlban <playername> perm <reason> - Permanently bans the specified player.
* /sqlban <playername> auto <reason> - Automatically bans the specified player depending on the config and the amount of player's previous bans.
* /sqlban <playername> temp <days> <reason> - Bans the specified player for the specified amount of days. Also adds +1 ban to player's ban history just like auto or perm.
* /sqlunban <playername> - Unbans the specified player. (Unbanning the player still leaves the ban in the player's ban history, resulting in longer ban the next time the player is auto-banned)
* /sqlclearbans <playername> <amount/all> - Clears specified players previous bans.

How to set up the plugin?

We will have a video tutorial later.

1. Download the latest version.
2. Shut down the server and place the SQLAutoBan.jar inside your server's plugins folder.
3. Import the sqlautoban.sql file to your MySQL database.
4. Start the server so it will generate the default config files. Then edit the config as you want and reload or restart the server.
5. Enjoy!

If you don't have a MySQL server, then you will either have to buy one or host one yourself.

Permission nodes

* sqlautoban.perm - Allows user to permanently ban people.
* sqlautoban.auto - Allows user to use the automatic bans.
* sqlautoban.temp - Allows user to set temporary bans of desired length.
* sqlautoban.unban - Allows user to unban people.
* sqlautoban.clearbans - Allows user to clear peoples previous bans.

Planned features

  • DONE Add a command with its own permission node, that can be used to clear player's ban history.
  • Add the support for hours as well, since currently all bans are issued in full days (24 hours).
  • Create a video tutorial covering plugin command usage + how to set it up + showing how the database works. (unless someone else creates a valid video we can use)
  • Possibly add the ability to use SQLite to save bans in local files instead of connecting to MySQL.
  • Add the feature to silent ban players.


We really appreciate feedback. If you have any comments (positive or negative), help requests or suggestions, feel free to post all of them below!
Even simply telling us what do you think of this plugin, whether you like it or not, is very much appreciated!

Known bugs

None at the moment! :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 19, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 2, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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