Spoiler Alert

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Spoiler Alert 1.0.0 Video


Spoiler Alert allows you to set custom shelf-life values for the various food items available in Minecraft. If any food item is eaten past the date is supposed to expire, then it becomes a less and less nutritious and potentially harmful (even fatal).

The configuration file comes with 3 recipes (Candy Apple, Salt and Salted Beef). You can create an infinite amount of your own recipes by adding entries to the configuration following the same format.

The rest of the configuration setting are mostly self-explanatory, but I have created a video to show off some of the features.

Here is the github page.

P.S. This requires Java 8. If you do not have it, please get it. If you cant, PM me and I may be willing to make a special release for you.


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