Commands & Permissions

/joinsplatoon/joinsplat/joinsplatoon <arena id> [class] [team]splatoon.match.joinJoin an existing match in the specified arena
/leavesplatoon/leavesplat/leavesplatoonsplatoon.match.joinLeaves the current match
/splatoonarena/splatarena, /sarena/splatoonarena <create, remove, save, load> [arena id]splatoon.arenaCreates a new arena, removes an arena with the provided ID, saves the current state of the arena as the backup, or regenerates the arena from the backup
/splatooninfo/splatinfo, /sinfo/splatooninfo [arenas, classes, commands, rules]splatoon.infoGeneral information
/splatoonmatch/splatmatch, /smatch/splatoonmatch <create, start, stop, cancel> <arena id>splatoon.match.create, splatoon.match.start, splatoon.match.stop, splatoon.match.cancelCreates a new match, starts a queued match, stops a running match, or cancels a queued match
/splatoonsign/splatsign, /ssign/splatoonsign <arena> [class] [team]splatoon.setsignMarks a sign for use by an arena for displaying information
If [class] or [team] is included, it will make the targeted sign into a lobby sign. Clicking a lobby sign will make the user join the game with the displayed class and/or team
/splatoonspawn/splatspawn/splatspawn [team, exit] [arena id]splatoon.arena.spawnSets the spawnpoint for the specified team within an arena, or sets the shared exit point
/switchsplat/changesplat, /chgsplat/switchsplat <class>splatoon.switchsplatChanges the player's squid class before a game starts.
/votestart/votestartsplatoon.voteSubmits your vote to start the current match immediately


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