Elementals B.1.6
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UploadedMay 9, 2014
Size70.21 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
Elementals B.1.6
- Created TheBrains
- ControlerAI can be player or giant or none;
- added Ai Logic
- added Ability To jump
- removed a lot of debug console spam.
- added new divdebugs /cmd go and /cmd debug
- added pathfind and melee atacks
- added a crude jump ability
- Astar path find setup for golem sized paths ( still buggy )
- dissabled flying
- added punch kick and hipunch
- cleaned up anmations for water shaped elementals lava,water
- added NoAI option for debuging anmations
- added Water and Lava config files
- fixed bug with copying config on windows, I hope!
Elementals B.1.5
- fixed bug crash with death and no ControllEntity
- added health mini block system back
- hid the java files again doh!
- updated maven verson
- added CreateFlyingBlocksOnDeath: true
- added CreateFlyingBlocksOnHit: true
- added KnockBlocksOff effects
- fixed bug with falling blocks and items on death.
Elementals B.1.4
- fixed bug with anmations getting inturpted with status changes
- fixed a bug with /cmd die on maxHP = 0 elementals.
- added SoThatsIt mob pathfind code
- added simple iron_golem AI
- added healing from elemental -> player / irongolem
- added new special code - AI:mobtype
- added stone.yml to test golem AI
- changed debug code
Elementals B.1.3
- reworked the /cmd die command
- ANI-die played at death
- changed keyframe to delay_*ticks
- added part special step:int and noboom
- added anmation Finished return
- moved anmation to brain
- pathfinding http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/lib-a-pathfinding-algorithm.129786/ needs work
- boss bar shows for closeest elmental
- bug fixed where more then 130 blocks from player elemental dies
- added sleep mode
- added player binding
- added firewings and shield tests
- added new part specals genONAni
- fixed mirror anmations
- added all and reset codes for anmations
Elementals B.1.2*
- Clean up of /live and /cmd more user friendly
- redo of shape code
- redo of vector code
- Tempory removal of all types but dirt (prep for anmation)
- overhaul of elemental constructor
- added barAPI
- removed anmations now part of the elemental.yml ( under construction)
- added settings to config.yml
- added new shapes dot/ball/line
- added special ability flying
Elementals B.1.1
- added /cmd <grow,die,slam,pound,sweep>
- if shot with an arrow it will turn to shooter and move to them
- types /live < Dirt,Stone,Fire,Water,Air,Tree>
- Elementals VB.1
--- first version
delete all old configs!