The Splat Co Labs Collection

The "Splat-Co. Labs" Collection

Creating new and dangerous items since 2010.

The Splat Co Labs Collection is a collection of smaller plugins and plugin ideas, rolled into one big plugin. Each item will have its own settings and can be turned on or off as desired. they will each have some special abilities that add new fun abilities to mine craft. however there is a cost, each item has potential backfires.

New Items

  • Rocket_Boots Fly just like iron man!
  • TNTBow Why add TnT to an Arrow? why not!

New Tools

  • Volcano Generator Unleash the destructive power of the earth!
  • RecipeTool Change the recipes for splat co labs items as needed!
  • HopperFilter Allows hoppers to be more picky about what they pickup.

Planed New Items and Tools

  • New Tnt Type will be added soon.
  • Chameleon Armor will be added soon.
  • Mat_Trans will be added soon.
  • Zombie Miner will be added soon.
  • Scatter Shot Bow Why just shoot one arrow and miss, when you can fire 10 of them and hit the whole area!!
  • Voodoo doll Use power of VooDoo to Mess with your friends and enemies!
  • Storm Generator Unleash the destructive power of the Air!
  • Flood Generator Unleash the destructive power of the water!
  • Boom Guard #make blocks bomb proof.


  • splatco.<item_name>.Wear: # allows the player to Wear the item.
  • splatco.<item_name>.Craft: # allows the player to Craft the item.


  • /splatco #lists all the available items
  • /splatco <item_name> lists the items extra settings, if any.
  • /splatco <item_name> true/false #enables or disables the item.

How To Install and run

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Place the .jar file in your plugins directory.
  3. Run the server.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 28, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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