Admin Guide

NB: There is no reason why you should be reading this if you are a player. It will not give you any useful information. Don't waste your time here.

Installing SpellCraft

Drop SpellCraft.jar into your plugins folder. Done!

Admin Commands

If you have the spellcraft.admin permission, you can use the following commands:

  • /spellcraft info <player> will tell you <player>'s current mana and spells.
  • /spellcraft setspell <player> <spellname> will set <player>'s current spell of <spellname>'s type to <spellname> or blank out all their spells if <spellname> is 'none'.
  • /spellcraft givemana <player> <amount> will give <player> <amount> mana. You can use negative amounts to deduct mana!
  • /spellcraft setmana <player> <amount> will set <player>'s mana to <amount>. You can use negative amounts to... well, set their mana to negative amounts.
  • /listspells does exactly what it sounds like.

Permission Nodes

A list of permission nodes can be found here. Apart from the ones listed, spellcraft.spells.<spellname> grants permission to use that spell.


To change settings, open up config.yml in the SpellCraft folder in the plugins folder. Settings you can change:

  • To set the mana cost for a spell, change the value for that spell's name under manaCosts.
  • To set the sacrifice for a spell, change the value for that spell's name under sacrifices†.
  • To change what you say to sacrifice, alter the value for sacrificePhrase.
  • To choose whether players attempting to use spells they do not have perms for (or use fissure, voodoo, or fusrodah on another player without perms) should get hit by lightning, set permsLightning to true or false.
  • To set what message you get if you try to fissure another player without permission, change the value for fissurePlayerMessage.*
  • To set what message you get if you try to voodoo another player without permission, change the value for voodooPlayerMessage.*
  • To set what message you get if you try to fusrodah another player without permission, change the value for fusrodahPlayerMessage.*
  • To set what message you get if you try to cast a spell you do not have perms for, change the value for spellDeniedMessage.*
  • To set what message you get when you sacrifice, change the value for sacrificeMessage.*

*: You can use color codes in these settings.

†: Several notes:

  • The block name you use needs to come from this list, or it won't be recognized.
  • The order you list the blocks in doesn't matter.
  • Putting AIR as one of the blocks has no effect that's any different from just leaving out a value.
  • Putting more than three blocks in will effectively disable sacrificing for that spell.
  • Putting in the same sacrifice for more than one spell will cause SpellCraft to use that sacrifice for the last one listed and effectively disable sacrificing for all the others. Reordering the list of spells has no effect on this; it still uses the same order of precedence.

‡: You can insert the name of the related spell with %spell for lowercase and %SPELL for uppercase. That is, using "You can't use %spell or %SPELL" as spellDeniedMessage and then trying to use fissure without perms would result in the message "You can't use fissure or FISSURE".


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