

Spellcasters is a plugin that adds magic to Minecraft. There are three schools of magic: combat, mining, and movement. Each school has different spells that will assist you with that part of the game. Combat spell will help you fight, mining spells will help you swiftly mine blocks, and movement will aid you moving around the world. Each school of magic has progression through experience and levels, every five levels you will unlock a new spell. At first, each player will be level zero and will need to complete a simple quest to advance to level one to start their magic-enhanced Minecraft experience!


In order to start using magic you must complete a quest. Each quest requires you to get and turn in a certain item. For combat you must turn in a ghast tear, mining uses a diamond, and movement uses an eye of ender. Left clicking on an enchanting table with one of these in your hand will turn in the quest. This makes magic something to work for and adds to the sense of progression in SpellCasters.


Combat spells use a blaze rod as a wand. These spells will help you in combat. You will start out with weak spells and progress to more dangerous spells as you level up.


Mining spells use a gold ingot as a wand. These spells will help you mine and excavate. Low level mining spells will instantly mine one block at a time and will allow you to mine bigger volumes per cast in later levels.


Utility spells use a compass as a wand. They will help you move around in the world and do other miscellaneous things that don't fit in the other schools. They are helpful spells that assist you in a number of ways.


Left clicking with a wand in your hand will cast whichever spell has been selected, right clicking will cycle through your available spells. If you are still level zero (meaning you haven't completed a quest) you will get a message saying you need to complete a quest first. Each spell uses mana as a resource, some costing more than others. Ten percent of your mana will be replenished every five seconds. With every level gained in any school of magic your maximum mana will be increased by ten points. Every time a player casts a spell a message will be sent to the player showing how much mana they have left. If the player doesn't have enough mana to cast a spell they will get a message saying "Insufficient mana" and will be unable to cast that spell.


All player data is saved to a file named levels.txt. The data is saved every time the server stops and the server will auto-save every ten minutes.


Each spell can be configured in the config.yml file. They can be disabled for all users or made available for operators only. Lastly an entire school of spells can be disabled or only allowed for operators as well.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 6, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 6, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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