Special Arrows
How to use:
- Move the .jar file into your plugins folder
- Restart or /reload the server
- Addes many new Arrows
- Explosive Arrow (Explodes)
- Intant Kill Arrow (Kills Everythink)
- Teleport Arrow (Teleports you)
- Hook Arrow (Works just like grappling hook)
- WebArrow (Places a web)
- FireArrow (Automaticaly ignites, will cause blockfire also)
Explosive Arrow x8 - Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Arrow | TnT | Arrow
Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Instant Kill Arrow x4 - Netherstar | Netherstar | Netherstar
Netherstar | Arrow | Netherstar
Netherstar | Netherstar | Netherstar
Hook Arrow x8 - Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Arrow | Fishing Rod | Arrow
Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Fire Arrow x8 - Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Arrow | Flint and Steel | Arrow
Arrow | Arrow | Arrow
Recipes (shapeless):
Teleport Arrow x1 - 1x Arrow + 1x Enderpearl
Web Arrow x1 - 1x Arrow + 1x Web