
This plugin allows you to change the mobtype of a spawner. It's very simple, has a lot of features and implements a dynamic GUI.
- If you place a spawner, it will open a GUI to chose the type
- If you click with a monsteregg on a spawner, it will change the spawner to the type of the egg
- If you destroy a spawner it will drop the spawner-item
- All named features can turn on/off by the config-file
- All named features are complete supported with permissions (and OP)
- Simple commands like /spawner

- Download the plugin from the right side
- Put the plugin into your plugins-folder
- (Re)start/reload your server
- Thats it, now you can use all features of my plugin!
- Optionally you can edit the config.yml in the "SpawnerDeluxe"-Folder
Opens the GUI. You have to look on a spawner.
/spawner <MobType>
Change the spawner where you look to the given type.
Allows you to open the GUI and change MobTypes (needs the next permission too).
Allows you to change the type of a spawner to the given type. For all types you can use SpawnerDeluxe.Type.*
If "MenuOnPlace --> permission" is "true" in your config.yml, you need this permission to open the GUI on placing a spawner.
If "DropItemOnBreak --> permission" is "true" in your config.yml, you need this permission to drop the spawner-item on destroying a spawner.
If "ChangeOnInteract --> permission" is "true" in your config.yml, you need this permission to change the mobtype on clicking with a monsteregg on a spawner.
If "Command--> permission" is "true" in your config.yml, you need this permission to run the /spawner command.
Planned for the future...
- add permissions for placing spawners
- add economy support
- make the GUI more dynamic