Spartan Gear

Spartan Gear! The newest and greatest, Steve to OP plugin!



This simple to use plugin allows you to go from normal, farm boy Steve, with a stone sword and no Armour, to a fully geared Spartan ready for battle in seconds. Including two simple commands, this plugin is straight forward and easy to install. Just drop it into your plugins folder, and your off.
I plan to integrate different tiers of armor, as well as named items among other things, check back here for regular updates!


  • Different armour Teirs. (Brings different levels of enchantments.)
  • Only able to do /gear IF inventory is empty
  • Items with custom effects
  • Custom Items and recipes


This command clears your inventory and automatically equips you with the strongest of weapons, and the best Armour round.

This command removes your Spartan Equips and everything you picked up along with it.




1. Click the Download button
2. Find your bukkit server
3. Place the .jar file in the plugins folder
4. Start your server


This simple, lightweight plugin is easy to use and easy to have fun with. Once you've simply installed it in your plugins folder, you're set to go.

If you like to mess around with your players, or have big 20v1 fights, or your server is a PvP server, then this plugin is perfect for you! The Armour and equips are Overpowered to the point that you can die, but not easily.
If you just want to mess around with your friends and kill everyone then install this, now!
The plugin, simply put, gives your highly enchanted gear that can be used to mess around with. The gear includes chain mail Armour, a diamond sword, knock back stick, bow, 10 golden apples and an arrow. I plan to add more items, like a boom stick among others. When the /gear command is executed, the plugin also gives you potion effects, and clears your inventory. I plan to integrate a system where the /gear command will not work until your inventory is cleared.
Want to see more Plugins? Help me out how you can!
Want to use this Plugin? Then download it!
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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 14, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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