Space Wars

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Space Wars

The Goal

This plugin is designed to give minecraft players something new that they have never experienced in minecraft before - 3D sapce movement.
The aim of the game is to blast off every one, and survive alone while flying through the map.

At the beginning of a round you will spawn at random location on then map (in version 0.9 player will go up or down [bug]). After 3 seconds players will be able to shoot (some debugging messages are still seen, please ignore). Projectiles explode upon collision with player, and have 70% chance of ricochet upon collision with a block. The last player alive wins!

Getting Started

Just after you put Space Wars into plugins folder, you will need to set lobby with /sw set lobby. After that, you will need to install 1 or more maps to play. After you have done that, plugin will manage the rest for you. As the countdown timer will reach 0, a random map from installed maps will be chosen to be played.

If you wish to change the minimum amount of players needed, simply use /sw minplayers [integer] where integer is minimum amount of players needed to start the game. If you wish to change the duration of battle time, do /sw battletime [integer] where integer is a number of seconds.


Do not run this plugin with any other plugins installed! This plugin contains all the code needed to run games automatically without supervision.

If you have a feature you need comment it in chat and i will implement it if it will be appropriate for the plugin.

- in version 0.9 there are a lot of debugging messages popping up every second, please disable chat for duration of gameplay.

Planned Features

1.0 - Polish the plugin by setting final colors and text.


Permission NamePermission Node
Total Accesssw.manage


Please review the map creation and set-up pages.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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