SoaromaCA | Chat Actions

SoaromaCA is a simple chat action plugin, where you can add any sort of chat action you want

For example, doing /ca poke {player} would broadcast a certain message and send a message to the target and receiving player. That's it, however, you can make your own chat actions and edit any message possible, each message is taken at random from a specified list within the configuration

The possibilities are endless because you can create any chat action you desire, with any permission and messages you want

For more examples of what SoaromaCA is
- Doing /ca hug {player}
will broadcast a message, "{player} has hugged {second player}"
with both players receiving a message and all players on the server receiving the broadcast

Each message is randomized, as in configuration there is a list like so
- 'One Message'
- 'Two Message'
- 'Third message'
The plugin will choose one of the messages and send it, it doesn't matter how long the list is, it will still choose a random message

Commands and permissions are as follows
/calist {displays actions} - ca.list
/cahelp -
/ca {action} {player} - permissions for each chat action is inside your configuration folder

This plugin is explained further within the configuration file for permissions on each chat action

Any sort of bugs or support needed can be reported here ->


The default configuration doesn't have that many chat actions because I am lazy, so if you want to make configuration of your own and send it to me, I will gladly make that the default configuration


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