

Welcome! Let's begin with just a little description of this really amazing plugin named SmoothPlot.

Well, SmoothPlot is plots-system that uses WorldGuard to manage regions for players. Generally it allows you to manage plots on your server without any commands. No more need for time-taking regions creation (selecting with wand, then typing bunch of commands...). With SmoothPlot all you need to do is build a plot (plot border and not even entire) and place there a sign. Plot like this you can copy and paste (or stack, or any other duplicating method) with WorldEdit for example - and it will work without any problems!

Player just clicks a sign and plot is automatically created for him! SmoothPlot can do any operation you can do with WorldGuard commands!
But SmoothPlot is more - your players can sell their plots and invite friends! Continue reading to know more about these features!

Release yourself from Admin works and make your life a lot easier!


SmoothPlot is really features-rich (especially since v3.0):

  • stable
  • regions based on WorldGuard
  • support for as many plot types as you want
  • good permissions support
  • highly customizable
  • lightweight - no lags!
  • additional lag prevention systems (border width limit, cooldowns etc.)
  • wide economy plugins support (supported by Vault - you can use pretty any economy plugin)
  • provides plots for your players
  • reselling system (players can sell their plots to others)
  • invitations system (players can invite friends to their plots)
  • easy to setup and use - it's as easy as posting/clicking a sign!
  • no need to store any data - everything is based on intelligent algorithm
  • manual changes made with WorldGuard commands will NOT break SmoothPlot system
  • customizable plot greet messages


This process can not be any easier!

  1. Download latest SmoothPlot plugin (take a look on box on the right hand and find "Recent files")
  2. Put SmoothPlot.jar file to your server's "plugins" directory
  3. Install dependencies (WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Vault and any economy plugin supported by Vault)
  4. Start your server
  5. When your server will be loaded go again to "plugins" directory and look for "SmoothPlot" folder, then get in there
  6. Open config.yml with any text editor (gedit, notepad-plus-plus, sublime text etc.)
  7. Set everything as you wish (remember to use spaces, never use tabs), define plot types (check provided example inside that config)
  8. Save changes and reload server
  9. It is done! Everything should work now!

How to use

Providing plots

This process is really easy. Let's do it!

  1. Define plots in SmoothPlot's configuration file (usually found in <server path>/plugins/SmoothPlot)
  2. Be sure to set correct worlds names in allowed-worlds list
  3. Log-in to your server
  4. Build a rectangle on the ground (use any material(s) you like) (actually you need only 4 blocks on X and Z axis, see screenshots)
  5. Place a sign on the ground and type:
    Notice that you can use many materials, just count them separated with , (semicolon).
    If you do not need parent region then leave the 4th line empty.
  6. Done! If you want you can copy this plot with WorldEdit or anything else you want.

For working example see screenshots.

Friends invitations

This option allows players to invite friends to their plots, so they can build there. This DOES NOT make them owners, they become members and it is not count in plotting system (they can join to as many plots as they want). To invite player simply place sign like this:
Sign must be placed anywhere inside target region.

Reselling plots

This way players can sell their plots to others. It does not affect any blocks in region, so it's nice way to sell amazing houses etc..
SmoothPlot manages WorldGuard regions only and DOES NOT remove LWC locks, so please tell players to do so before they sell something.

The only thing you need to specify is plot price. Example sign:
Sign must be placed anywhere inside target region.


Sign permissions:

Permission NodeWhat it does?
smoothplot.sign.plot.<type>.createallows to place plot sign of given type
smoothplot.sign.plot.<tpye>.breakallows to break plot sign of given type
smoothplot.sign.plot.<type>allows to buy plot of given type

smoothplot.sign.invitation.createallows to place invitation sign (no per-type permissions yet, sorry)
smoothplot.sign.invitation.useallows to use (accept) invitation sign
smoothplot.sign.invitation.breakallows to break invitation sign to create "for sale" sign (no per-type permissions yet, sorry) to use "for sale" sign (read: buy a plot from another player), player needs smoothplot.sign.plot.<type> too in order to buy plot to break "for sale" sign

Commands permissions:

Permission NodeCommandDescription
(none)/smoothplot ver
/smoothplot version
/smoothplot info
prints plugin informations (version etc.)
/smoothplot help
/smoothplot ?
prints commands list
smoothplot.command.example/smoothplot example <plot / invitation / for-sale>shows example sign of specified type

smoothplot.command.admin/smoothplot adminprints admin commands list
smoothplot.command.admin.plottypes/smoothplot admin plot-typesprints available plot types and their details
smoothplot.command.admin.reload/smoothplot admin reloadreloads configuration file (only!!!)


  • v3.0b - BETA VERSION | Total re-write coded from scratch. Many changes so I will list them:
    - a lot more light-weight
    - better errors handling
    - better configuration file design
    - plugin folder and default config are generated automatically
    - updated for Bukkit 1.7.9-R0.2
    - plots can touch each other now
    - border materials are now specified as bukkit names (no more IDs)
    - added sign-click cooldown
    - added per-type plot maximum width
    - added per-type plot allowed worlds
    - removed greeting messages (got better idea for this stuff but not coded yet)
    - removed tekkit-users support (see previous point notice)
    - signs when successfully used are now destroyed and dropped on the ground
    - designed for UUID changes (not everything is done, because of other plugins not being ready yet, everything is gonna be ready once 1.8 is out)
    - changed all commands and permissions so check them
    - left-clicking on a plot sign will print its price
    - special signs cannot be destroyed while in creative mode
    - added per-type option to include plot border or not
    - automatic validation of plot-types
    - added notification when using beta versions
    - changed license
    - changed plot naming system (incompatible with previous versions) - it might change in the next update so please do not rely on this (however it's not likely to happen unless there will be some problems)
    - fixed some known glitches, but this version is not tested enough to say it's bug-free, so test it, test it and once again test it. Basic tasks should work fine, if you want to know about advanced stuff and related glitches that might happen contact me!
  • v2.1 - Fixed/added permissions for admin commands, patched possible bugs
  • v2.0 - Better configuration, many fixes, large core changes, updated for the latest Vault and Bukkit 1.4.7-R1.0
  • v1.4 - Anti-infinite-loop check (your server won't lag forever); announcement on plot enter (affects only new plots)
  • v1.3.2 - Important config fix. It caused some problems last time. Update, please!
  • v1.3.1 - Just updated for Bukkit 1.2.5-R5.0, it does not change anything
  • v1.3 - Fixed some bugs from 1.3b, starting to make source code cleaner
  • v1.3b - Added: players can sell thier plots to other players; players can invite friends to their plots; database file is no longer needed to save player plots; this is test-version, so it may be bugged
  • v1.2 - Added economy support
  • v1.1 - Added support for multi-materials plot border
  • v1.0 - The first public release


  • Automatic region flags (per-type, to be set in config)
  • Automatic members adding
  • Fix some known possible bugs (might happen only when doing really weird stuff with this plugin so do not worry at the moment)
  • Translation support
  • Support for colors on signs
  • Border materials dictionary (assign ID to material name, so you can put more materials on a sign)
  • More admin commands (eg. plot removing) - however most stuff might be done via WorldGuard commands


More screenshots soon, I am too lazy to upload them now ;)

Just a little plot with a sign:

Since v3.0b you do not need entire border, 4 blocks do the work:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 5, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License

