- My IGN: DimensioX, my youtube name is MixMasterWright
- Estimated Update Release date: TBA
- This plugins use was to essentially utilize the particle effects that bukkit has to offer mainly the smoke and fire particles(hence the name, but now it has a whole lot more than that). When you walk it will leave a trail of smoke and fire behind you hence the name. The trail can not be seen if you have particle effects turned off and it will not bother any anti-cheating plugins.
- Commands:
- /trail opens up the GUI to activate any of the trails you have permission for
- /trail smoke will leave a trail of smoke behind you
- /trail fire will leave a trail of fire behind you and
- /trail ender will leave a trail of ender particles behind you
- /trail flowers will leave a trail of flowers behind you(you can't pick them up and they will despawn on their own)
- /trail loot will leave a trail of goodies behind you
- /trail star will leave a trail of stars behind you
- /trail crit will leave a trail of critical blows behind you
- /trail sweat will make you feel like taking a hike
- /trail blood will leave a trail of bloodshed behind you
- /trail sparks will leave a trail of sparks behind you.
- /trail breadcrumb will leave a trail of crumbs behind you. Hansel and Gretel approved!
- /trail magma will leave a trail of destruction behind you.
- /trail letters will leave a trail of knowledge around you.
- /trail anger will make you want to punch a kitten
- /trail happy will leave you feeling green
- /trail magic will make you feel like Harry Potter
- /trail music will make you feel harmonious
- /trail clouds will have you sleeping on them
- /trail multi will let you have multiple trails at once!(if you have permission for the trail)
- /trail list will list all the current trails
- /trail off turns off all trails You can use all commands on other players using /trail command playername; it has to be the exact name case sensitive. For /trail multi you just do /trail multi trail1, trail2, etc.
- Permissions:
- smoketrail.use.smoke: for the /trail smoke command
- for the /trail fire command
- smoketrail.use.ender: for the /trail ender command
- smoketrail.use.hearts: for the /trail hearts command
- for the /trail flowers command
- smoketrail.use.loot: for the /trail loot command
- for the /trail star command
- smoketrail.use.sweat: for the /trail sweat command
- smoketrail.use.crit: for the /trail crit command
- for the /trail flowers command
- smoketrail.use.breadcrumb: for the /trail breadcrumb command
- smoketrail.use.sparks: for the /trail sparks command
- smoketrail.use.magma: for the /trail magma command
- smoketrail.use.blood: for the /trail blood command
- smoketrail.use.clouds: for the /trail clouds command
- smoketrail.use.anger: for the /trail anger command
- for the /trail music command
- smoketrail.use.magic: for the /trail magic command
- smoketrail.use.letters: for the /trail letters command
- smoketrail.use.happy: for the /trail happy command
- for the /trail off command
- smoketrail.multi: for the /trail multi command
- You can use smoketrail.use.* for all commands and smoketrail.other.trail name for usage on other players like smoketrail.other.ender. Or just use smoketrail.other.* For the multi trail it's just smoketrail.multi. The global permission is smoketrail.all
- Custom Messages format: You can use it just like essentials chat colors. Just don't mess with the enabled/disabled or it will break and I will be upset. For a reference use this:
- Metrics Collection
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
I noticed that when you do /trail list, it shows all of the available trails, and not just the ones that you have permissions for. Would it be possible to only show the ones that the person doing /trail list has perms for? :D
Mod support isn't guaranteed with every plugin on Bukkit, that's just the bottom line. Try some of the other trails plugins to see if they'll work with Pixelmon. However, if they use the same method I'm using to actually make the trails, you'll be out of luck.
Cauldron is basically Bukkit-Forge mix. It should work the same way as normal Bukkit.
Because SmokeTrail uses a library that's built exclusively for bukkit use. Modded servers might not work. It's out of my control.
Why not?
What version is your server?
EDIT: Pixelmon servers aren't guaranteed support of the plugin, sorry.
While testing to on my server, the following effects give this error:
[ParticleEffect] Failed to create a particle packet
Smoke, Fire, Ender, Hearts, Crit, Sweat, Disco, Blood, Sparks, Breadcrumbs, Magma, Letters, Snow, Music, Happy & Magic
With the effect "Star", there was no error, but no effect shown.
Effects Loot, Flowers and Fireworks worked perfectly well (Fireworks were a little laggy for some)
If these can be fixed with some bugfixes, I know my players would love this plugin :D
Yeah, they'll merge around regardless of how little they spawn, I've tried.
Thanks for getting back to me. Looking forward to the next update!
2) Just something to inform you of. As it may scare some people reading that in the console. :)
3) Just informing you, as it seems to be leftover on new config generations. :)
3) Ah, so decay time has some impact on performance? Was another thing I was looking to reduce, not necessarily raise. Perhaps a hard coded limit and allow it to be reduced?
5) I was primarily looking to reduce the number of entities being spawned, not raise it. Because I use a variation of Spigot's item merging match, all entities end up merging around.
There are multiple GUI plugins that let you accomplish that, I haven't(and don't plan on) adding a feature that does that.
Than is there some way for me to set it up in a gui so where a player clicks it he gets the trail ?
Activating/deactivating trails for people from console won't be possible with the way I have the command system set up and it would take more time than needed to make it possible.
@rtcabooservb Bugs:
1) I commonly forget to update the plugin.yml file when I release updates,
2) That's just to save the default config, it won't save it when there's already one there.
3) That was for a fix because breadcrumbs is the correct trail name not breadcrumb
4) I forgot to remove the player from the serverside trail list and not the one in the config file so they'd end up with it when they rejoined
5) To keep server/client lag to a minimum I've made it where trails that spawn entities can't be changed from their default values.
1) Yeah, that's the last thing on the list(and only thing) that needs to be a customizable message. It'll be there in the next update.
2) That was a command in the previous versions but was bugged because the config file wouldn't properly reload. I'll add it back in the the next update.
3) Read above about what I said about client/server lag
4) I'll look into that, I have it set now to detonate the firework as soon as possible but some of them still go as far as they can.
5) Yeah, I can't stop the merging. It's beyond my reach as far as entity control goes.
Can u make a feature where u can run the particle for a player in the console or in game so like /trails <player> <trail>
Noticed a few things using version 7.5.1.
1) States it is version 7.3.
2) States the config can't be saved when it exists.
3) Config has a line for ' breadcrumb: {}' when there is already one for breadcrumbs.
4) DisableOnLeave: true is not functional. When setting a trail, logging out, and logging back in, I still have a trail enabled.
5) No config options to adjust particle amount for flower, loot, star, or fireworks.
1) Be able to change the plugin language.
For example, typing /trail outputs 'For a list of trails do /trail list or try out /trail (trailname). I would like to change this to output 'For a list of trails, type /trail list.'
2) A reload command to reload config from disk. Would be nice to change settings on the fly.
3) An option to adjust decay time for trails that use items like flowers.
4) An option to adjust firework launch height.
5) An option to have trails that spawn items/entities (not particles) to ignore item merging?
Somehow the effects remain enabled after disabling them and restarting the server (7.5.1).
No, there isn't.
There is a configuration to open a GUI menu with all of the effects ?
This Plugin is fucking amazing!
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at me.dimension.smoke.trailutil.colorize( [?:?] at me.dimension.smoke.trail.commandHandler( [?:?] at me.dimension.smoke.trail$1.onCommand( [?:?]
Realy? NullPointerException? You can use this: