
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

SmeltingPlus - Whippy's Plugins


SmeltingPlus is a plugin that adds several Furnace and Crafting recipes to the game. The key idea behind this plugin though is that you should be able to smelt down items back into their original key component. So smelting an iron chest plate will give you 8 iron ingots, gold boots will give you 4 gold ingots and so on. Since diamonds and leather aren't really smelted these can be broken down at the crafting table!

What's more (and the reason this plugin was made) is that durability is taken into account. If an item is damaged we look at the % of the damage done, and the resulting smelt/craft will yield that % of what was put in. So a half damaged iron chest plate will give you 4 iron ingots not 8. The % is always rounded down to avoid people using this to generate infinite supplies, and if an item will produce less that 1 ingot it is not smelted and the player receives a message explaining the item is too damaged to smelt.


By default all the recipes will be activated, but if for any reason you wish to turn off any recipes, you can under the config.yml by changing the appropriate true to false.

Additional Details

As well as recipes for breaking down armor, anvils, golden apples and so on their is an extra recipe in this plugin, the zombie flesh recipe. If smelted zombie flesh will turn to leather! This is mainly because in the past who hasn't ended up with 10 stacks of zombie flesh for no reason? Now you can smelt it into, the somewhat more useful, leather.


This plugin has been built for 1.7 and will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future. It is used on my personal server and as such bug reports will be dealt with efficently


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