
Ever wanted to slap a particular player straight through your screen?
Well now you can do that with the Slap plugin! Just use the /slap [player] 1-10 command
to do so, slapping players does no damage, and is the perfect and fun way
to punish somebody. Just decide how strong you wanna hit 'em, and slap away.

Being slapped will cause the target to be hit into the air, depending on the strength of the slap, and it will show a server-wide message saying that the target was slapped.



/slap [player] [strength]

  • This command lets you slap a certain player, at a certain strength. The strength must be a whole number between 0 and 10. A higher number will cause a harder slap.



Slap-Message-Low: §c[player] §ahas slapped §c[target]§a!

  • The message displayed when there is a 'weak' slap. Strength 0-3.

Slap-Message-Medium: §c[player] §ahas slapped §c[target] hard§a!

  • The message displayed when there is a 'medium' slap. Strength 4-7.

Slap-Message-High: §c[player] §ahas bitch slapped §c[target]§a!

  • The message displayed when there is a 'hard' slap. Strength 8-10.

Slap-Strength-Modifier: 0.5

  • Changes how high the slaps will knock the player.

Slap-Cooldown: 3000

  • A cooldown so a player can not be constantly slapped, causing him to go extremely high. Measured in miliseconds.

Slap-Nofall-Time: 5000

  • A cooldown that prevents the next fall damage a player takes for a certain amount of time, so slaps don't kill players. Measured in miliseconds.




  • Lets a player slap using a strength of 0-4.


  • Lets a player slap using a strength of 0-7.


  • Lets a player slap using a strength of 0-10.



Use the "Files" button at the top of the page to download the latest version.

If you are having trouble getting the plugin to work, make sure the config file was created properly.
This is what is should look like:

Slap-Message-Low: §c[player] §ahas slapped §c[target]§a!
Slap-Message-Medium: §c[player] §ahas slapped §c[target] hard§a!
Slap-Message-High: §c[player] §ahas bitch slapped §c[target]§a!
Slap-Strength-Modifier: 0.5
Slap-Cooldown: 3000
Slap-Nofall-Time: 5000

Thanks for reading,
- Waffless


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