SkySMP 2.0

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skySMP - SkyBlock Survival Multiplayer Implementation: Version: v2.0

Multiplayer implementation of the popular SkyBlock Survival map. This mod adds commands for users to generate their own Island to survive on in the sky. Every player can have exactly one island (and reset it if he feels like starting over). Try to survive with only minimal resources and complete the challenges.


A server in 'pure mode' with a newly generated island as well as user creations in the background.

Usage (taken from other thread): The plugin can be installed on any World, however it is recommended to run it on a dedicated world in "pure mode". If you wish to use the plugin on a regular world , just copy the .jar to /plugins/ and you are good to go.

Pure Mode (taken from other thread) In pure mode, no map except for a spawn area and the islands is ever generated. This means that players cannot go on land to 'cheat'. It also looks a lot better in my opinion. To use the plugin in pure mode, just follow these easy instructions:

1. Copy plugin to /plugin/ like usual 2. get cleanroomGeneratorand also copy it to the bukkit plugin folder

3. add this to the end of your bukkit.yml

        generator: CleanroomGenerator:

4. change level-name in server.properies to "skyIsland" and allow-flight to "true" (the world _must_ be named skyIsland, if it is not the plugin will not generate a spawn location)

Features (taken from other thread):

Able to create a complete Island for every player OP command to delete Islands of player Automatically arranges islands in space and fill spots of deleted islands On death, players are brought back to their islands or can go back any time with /tphome Works with cleanroomGenerator to create a "pure" SkyBlock World Use /skyhelp in game for a list of commands

Planned Features (taken from other thread, might attempt to add): Actually recognize completed challenges Add more challenges Add rewards for completed challenges Download The Plugin Source Code (Coming Soon)

Changelog: Version 2.0 Initial Release Credit goes to: Qgel for making v0.1.1 me for re-coding map and updating it and the original skyblock creator for making skyblock


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 14, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 21, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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